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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "PAVIA Town LOMBARDIA" .

The inhabitants (1)

Ancient tribes

Ananes & Anamari

Ananes, a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls, who -according to Polybius (ii. 17), the only author who mentions them- dwelt between the Padus and the Apennines, to the west of the Boians, and must consequently have been the westernmost of the Cispadane Gauls, immediately adjoining the Ligurians. It has been conjectured, with much plausibility, that the Anamari of the same author (ii. 32), a name equally unknown, but whom he places opposite to the Insubres, must have been the same people (Schweigh. ad l. c.; Cluver. Ital.). If so, they occupied the territory on which the colony of Placentia was shortly after founded; and probably extended from the Trebia to the Tarus.

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