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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Places of worship for destination: "SOUGIA Village CHANIA".

Places of worship (2)


Agia Irini Church

  Above Sougia is the Byzantine church of Agia Irini. The church is not visible from the town but can be reached after 4km along the dirt track (rough on a car) going west at the entrance to Sougia. The hiker's reward is a spectacular view of the bay from a hill high above Sougia. Agia Irini is a small but beautiful church of cruciform architecture with a high dome at the centre.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

First Byzantine Period Basilica

  In Sougia there are the mosaic remains of a basilica of the first Byzantine period (6C). The remains are of excellent quality, the best of this era on Crete and represent exotic birds (peacocks--signs of immortality), flowers, as well as animals, and other patterns. The recently restored mosaics are in the modern church which has been built on top of them.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

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