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  On the way from Agios Achilios to Pili, an Information Centre has permanent exhibitions about Birds and the Lakes, including Fish and Fishing. Southwest from the village of Pili, the visitor will find the ruins of a church dedicated to Agios Nikolaos, standing among the fields of beans and clovers and the wild lakeside plants. This church has many interesting architectural and decorative singularities, and there are many discussions on its dating (12th - 14th c ).
  After about an hour's walk from Pili to the south, the visitor will arrive at the deserted village of Dasseri. The stone building at the highest part of the village, near the dirt road, used to be the school before its desertion in the civil war. The visitor also enjoys the beautiful view of the lake, the oak tree forests next to the reed beds and flooded green meadows. At the west of Pili, there is the "cave of Zachariades", used as the partisans? headquarters during the civil war.

This text is cited September 2004 from the Municipality of Prespes URL below, which contains images

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