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Xifiani Community

Tel: +30 23840 92100
  Xifiani is found on the 5th kilometer of national road Aridea - Thessaloniki.
  The village - many people say - lives from the period of Byzantium. It was named Xifiani from the name of Byzantine General Nikiforos Xifias.
  The oldest building in the village is the church of Ag. Dimitrios that was built in 1857 with special authorization of Turkish period.It was released in the 4-11-1912 with important attendance of residents in the Macedonian Fight.
  Today Xifiani has 879 residents that mainly deal with the agriculture and the livestock farming. The old church of Saint Dimitrios, above in the homonym hill, with view to all the Almopia. A lot of world is assembled on 26 October, day of feast of Saint Dimitrios.

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