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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Beaches  for wider area of: "VROMONERI Settlement GARGALIANI" .

Beaches (1)

Local government WebPages

Golden Sand beach

In a short distance from the centre of Gargaliani, are situated the coastal areas of Golden Sand or "Eye" which terminates in Vromoneri. An endless beach with truly golden sand, receives of visitors daily in the summer thousands for its clean waters and its natural beauty. In the west of Gargaliani and in a 7km distance there are the sulphureous healing springs of Vromoneri, suitable for hepatic and arthritic conditions.

This extract is cited March 2003 from the Messenia Prefecture Tourism Promotion Commission URL below, which contains image.

You are able to search for more information in greater and/or surrounding areas by choosing one of the titles below and clicking on "more".

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