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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "PALLANTION Village TRIPOLI" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (4)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of the Maid

There is also a sanctuary of the Maid, the daughter of Demeter, and not far away is a statue of Polybius.

Sanctuary of the Pure Gods

The hill above the city was of old used as a citadel. On the crest of the hill there still remains a sanctuary of certain gods. Their surname is the Pure, and here it is customary to take the most solemn oaths. The names of the gods either they do not know, or knowing will not divulge; but it might be inferred that they were called Pure because Pallas did not sacrifice to them after the same fashion as his father sacrificed to Lycaean Zeus.

Ancient statues

Statue of Polybius

There is also a sanctuary of the Maid, the daughter of Demeter, and not far away is a statue of Polybius.

Ancient temples

Temple of Pallas and Evander

In Pallantium is a temple with two stone images, one of Pallas, the other of Evander.

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