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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "TORREDEMBARRA Town CATALONIA" .

Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Barra Tarragona, Spain.
A town NE of Tarragona near Torredembarra, with one of the most beautiful and best-preserved Roman arches in Spain. it lies on the Via Augusta, probably as a border marker between the Cesatanians and the Ilergetes. According to its dedication it was constructed under the will of Trajan's general Lucius Licenius Sura, consul during 102, 104, and 107. Built of stone, it has one arch framed by two pilasters with Corinthian capitals; it is 12.28 m high, 12 m long, and 2.34 m wide. Probably it once had an attic.

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