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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Vipasca (Aljustrel) Alentejo, Portugal.
A village near Beja which exploited copper, gold, and silver mines. A structure which served perhaps as the administrative center has been partially uncovered, E of the mine. A necropolis, however, has been completely explored.
  The political disturbances of A.D. 260-270 seem to have reduced mining activity. In the shafts (square or circular, ca. 1 m in diameter or on a side) and in the galleries (1 m wide, max. ht. 1.2 m) were found baskets for carrying the ore, reels, winches, pulleys, spoons, and gutters made of oak. One gallery, 750 m long and 60 m deep, 20 m below the water level, apparently served as a drainage channel. Since the Roman works went down to 120 m, there must have been some method of raising the water from the lower levels up to this channel or gallery. In the slag were found two bronze tablets: the first contains the measures in effect for the local mining district (inetallum vipascense); the second, passages of the laws referring to the Roman mines. The finds have been distributed among the museums of Aljustrel and Beja, and the National Museum

J. Alarcao, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Jan 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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