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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Cauca (Coca) Segovia, Spain.
A site in Tarraconensis 59 km from Segovia on the way to Valladolid. According to Pliny, it was a city of the Vaccaei (HN 3.3.26); it is also cited in Ptolemy (2.6.50) and Appian (Iber. 51.89). It was the birthplace of Theodosius I (Zosimus 4.24). There have been no excavations, and the only finds from the Roman period are two inscriptions (CIL II, 2727-28), the first of them on an Iberian stone pig. However, the antiquity of the settlement is confirmed by the finding of a bronze jug of the Hispano-Punic type, abundant in the S of the peninsula and related to the culture of Tartessos.

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