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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "GANGI Town SICILY" .

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Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


ENGYON (Ancient city) SICILY
A town in the interior of Sicily, possessing a celebrated temple of the great mother of the gods.

Present location

Some scholars have identified this city with modern Troina, others with Gangi or Nicosia. The most likely hypothesis seems to be the identification with Gangi, where traces of walls and buildings are preserved. (The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  A Sikel city mentioned by Diodoros (4.79-80 and 16.72), Plutarch (Marc. 20), Cicero (Verr. 3.43), and Pliny (HN 3.91). From Diodoros we learn that it was 100 stades from Agyrion. It was colonized by Rhodio-Cretans, who brought with them the cult of the Great Mother. Some scholars have identified this city with modern Troina, others with Gangi or Nicosia. The most likely hypothesis seems to be the identification with Gangi, where traces of walls and buildings are preserved. The identification with Troina is unlikely because this modern town is quite far from the borders reached by Rhodio-Cretan penetration in this direction, and, moreover, the archaeological finds there are no earlier than the 5th c. B.C.

A. Curcio, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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