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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Local governments  for wider area of: "ASMINIO Village ISTIEA" .

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Asminio Community

Tel: +30 22260 41309
  A modern village which maintains local colour. Its former name was Potaki or Potoki (a word of Turkish origin) which means swampy area. It offers comfortable accommodation and it is known for its nice ouzeris situated at the central square. The village produces salted preserves of excellent quality.
  It is worth visiting the church of Virgin Mary Dinious, 6km from the village on the way to Istiaia, built in a magnificent landscape of plane trees and flowing streams. The word "Dinious" is Turkish and means "return". According to tradition, when a Turkish soldier fired the icon of Virgin Mary, the bullet backfired and killed him. Her memory is celebrated on August 23 at a big fete which attracts many natives as well as tourists.
Τhis text is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Artemissio tourist pamphlet.

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