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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "EPINIANA Village EVRYTANIA" .

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It is in the most imposing spot of the mountain range with a view to the Agrafioti gorge. Of particular historical and religious significance is the Monastery-Secret School of Panagia Stanas which is dated from 1550. The church of Agios Georgios at the village center is a monument of architectural art and dates from 1890. A mountain climbing route of about 2 hours is: Epiniana - Faraggi Asprorema, which is not only of the greatest natural beauty, filled with rare flaura and fauna, but it has also been proposed for Natura 2000. In this gully wild trout flourish. Another route in the gorge: Anifora - Fteri from the stone bridge-arch of Geortia.

This extract is cited August 2003 from the Municipality of Karpenission URL below, which contains image.

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