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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "LABENA Village ITHOMI" .

Places of worship (1)


The belfry of Agios Geogrios at Ano Labena

  According to its engraved inscription, it was built in 1865 and signifies an innovation as far as church architecture is concerned. This innovation was first observed in Thessaloniki after the Hati Houmayioun Treaty was signed in 1856. Regarding its form, a square small tower with a cross on top accords with the arch of the three-winged basilica of Ayios Geogrios, an element related to religious beliefs as well as national ideals. Such an element favours the arrival of neobyzantinism, which eliminates memories from the Turkish occupation and introduces a monumental style of a symbolic nature.
This text is cited April 2003 from the Municipality of Ithomi tourist pamphlet.

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