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Limnian earth

  The name of the city was probably Kokkinos, which in Greek means Red. This name derives from the red clay which was dug nearby and which - as it is said - had medical abilities. The clay could heat effectively dysenteries, hemorrhages, the wounds caused by the snake bites. The fact is that this clay, known as "Limnian earth" to the European travelers - the local population called it "sacred earth" - became a sumptuous good, in great request in the East and West Europe till very recent times. The only ones who had the exclusive right to exploit it were those who dominated the island at the time. Such was the fame of the earth during antiquity that the famous doctor of Hellenistic period, Galinos, came to the island twice in order to attend to the celebrations which took place during the extraction of the earth. These celebrations did not change very much through the ages independently of religious beliefs and aspects. All the dominants respected them, Roman Catholics as well as Moslems. In antiquity, the extraction took place during the days when goddess Artemis was honoured at the beginning of May, in the Christian ages on the 6th of August, when people celebrated the Metamorphosis of Our Christ.
This text (extract) is cited June 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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