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  Today it is a small fishing village, however during the mediaeval years it was an important port. Initially it was the seaport of Ifestia and later it gained the fortress where the goverment of the island was centered. The name derives from the word Kotinos (wild olive tree). The village was first mentioned in 1136 when the bishop of Lemnos Michael offered the island to the Venetian merchants.
  The fortress is mentioned as one of the three most important ones of the island and was built by the Venetians between 1207-1214. In 1475 it became famous by the heroine of Lemnos Maroula who supported the people of the island during the invasion of Souleiman Pasha. The fortress was destroyed in 1656 by the Venetians. It was already under the Turkish occupation and its people had abandoned it and the center of the island was transferred to Mirina. In 1688 Kotsinas is mentioned as a small village.
  In the region of the church of Zoodohos Pigi there was a small monastery of the 14th century.. From the surrounding of the church begins a stair-case dug into the rock having 57 steps. The steps are made of rock except for every 13th step which was made of marble. The stair case ends up in the center of the hill where there is drinking water which is considered holy and miraculous and in the past this water was delivered to the fortress.
  Around the fortress there was a stank which was connected with the sea and made the fortress look like an island.

This text is cited Jan 2004 from the Limnos Medical Association URL below, which contains images.

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