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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "KOTZINOS Port LEMNOS (LIMNOS)" .

Places of worship (1)


Church of Zoodochos Pigi

  The church of Zoodochos Pigi which existed in the interior of the castle was recently renovated. Since 1415 it is referred to, as Zoodochos Pigi of Syngellos, an independent monastery. Ancient steps, quite deteriorated begin from the ant-temple and lead to an underground vault. In this room exists a holy water spring. In fact the spring is whatever remained of a water-supply construction once used by the castle during sieges. There is a tale about this water: Once a queen of the island tried to hide there when her enemies were running after her. She is the one who confuses anybody who insists to count the steps. They seem to be sometimes 84, sometimes 64, sometimes 57... and sometimes 51.
This text (extract) is cited June 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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