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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Salinae (Middlewich) Cheshire, England.
The site, 30.4 km E of Chester (Deva), lies at the confluence of the rivers Dane and Croco, and covers an area of ca. 20 ha. Occupation began soon after A.D. 80 and continued until the mid 4th c. All buildings were of timber and daub, with thatched or tiled roofs, and took the form of strip shops, workshops, and living quarters, with the narrow ends adjacent to the street.
  The single N-S street ran along the line of the Roman road from Lancaster to Littlechester (Derventio), and occupation extends from the crossing of the Dane, for 900 m or more. The structures varied in size from 7.3 x 15 m in the 2d c., to 13.1 x 30 m in the 4th c.
  Local industries included iron smelting and smithing, lead casting, glass making, and salt making from local brine springs. A small salt works has been excavated consisting of a brine kiln, timber workshop, and two large dolia, one bearing the graffito AMVRCA (possibly meaning waste from brine).

J.D. Bestwick, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Feb 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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