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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Mesua (Meze) Herault, France.
Pre-Roman settlement on the N bank of the Etang de Thau on a promontory almost entirely surrounded by water (Mel. 2.5.6). Soundings carried out on this little cape, on which was located a port active in antiquity, have revealed that it was occupied from the 6th c. B.C. to the Roman period.
  Isolated finds made in the depths of the Thau basin, and in the wrecks which have been discovered there, testify to its frequent use by ancient shipping. It was through the small ports marking the N side of this basin (of which Meze was the most important) that maritime commerce was connected with the great axis formed by the Via Domitiana, which crosses the territory of Meze ca. 5 km N of the town. Numerous and important Gallo-Roman estates were situated between the Etang de Thau and the Via Domitiana.

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