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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "ANGERS Town MAINE-CENTRE" .

The inhabitants (1)

Ancient tribes

Andecavi, Andegavi

Andecavi, a Gallic tribe, who were stirred up to a rising by Julius Sacrovir in the time of Tiberius, A.D. 21. (Tac. Ann. iii. 40.) As Tacitus in this passage couples them with the Turonii or Turones, we may conclude that they are the tribe which Caesar calls Andes (B. G. ii. 35), and which occupied a part of the lower valley of the Loire (Ligeris), on the north bank, west of the Turones. Their position is still more accurately defined by that of their chief town Juliomagus, or Civitas Andecavorum, the modern Angers, in the department of Maize et Loire, on the Mayenne, an affluent of the Loire.

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