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Location information

Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Local governments  for wider area of: "POSSIDONIA Village SYROS" .

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Possidonia Community

  Possidonia lies at 12 km from Hermoupolis. Some people still call it Dellagratsia, after the name of the church of Santa Maria Della Grazia.
  It is considered to be one of the most beautiful villages of the island. Possidonia was the favourite place of the island's wealthy class who built their country retreats in and around the village. Thus, we see quite a number of neoclassical mansions, some of which are open to visitors.   Visitors to Possidonia will admire the catholic church of Agios Petros and the orthodox church of Agios Ioannis.
  On the way to the sea, one comes upon the beautiful sandy beach of Angathopon and, a litlle further on, the deserted beach of Komitos. One should also enjoy a swim in the pure sea of Ambela.

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