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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "POSSIDONIA Village SYROS" .

Information about the place (1)

Local government WebPages

  Possidonia full of gardens and pine trees preserves the nobility that the first genuine Greek middle class of Hermoupolis created in the 19th century. Some relevant samples are the richly - decorated villas, Saint John, Orthodox church, including busts of G. Vitalis and G. Bonanos respectively, and the Club one of the oldest tennis court in Greece. Saint Peter, Catholic Church, built in 1860, dominates the hill. Fetouris, Agathopes, Komito are some of the most cosmopolitan beaches.
  In Agathopes one can find sea lilies in abundance. This fact proves the rich ecosystem of the area.

This text is cited Oct 2003 from the Municipality of Possidonia URL below, which contains images

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