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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "ATHENS Municipality GREECE" .

Ancient literary sources (5)



AGRYLI (Ancient demos) ATHENS
Across the Ilisus is a district called Agrae and a temple of Artemis Agrotera (the Huntress). They say that Artemis first hunted here when she came from Delos, and for this reason the statue carries a bow. A marvel to the eyes, though not so impressive to hear of, is a race-course of white marble, the size of which can best be estimated from the fact that beginning in a crescent on the heights above the Ilisus it descends in two straight lines to the river bank. This was built by Herodes, an Athenian, and the greater part of the Pentelic quarry was exhausted in its construction.. Paus. 1.19.6


Hill at Athens, origin of name, Ares tried for murder in the, Cephalus tried for homicide in the, Daedalus tried for murder in the, Orestes tried and acquitted of murder in the, council of A. dedicate bull, persons acquitted by A. offer sacrifice, tribunal of A. degraded by Ephialtes, Messenians willing to refer case to.

The stone of Outrage & the stone of Ruthlessness

The unhewn stones on which stand the defendants and the prosecutors, they call the stone of Outrage and the stone of Ruthlessness.


A place in Attica with a shrine of Herakles.

Perseus Encyclopedia


ATHENS (Ancient city) GREECE
Capital of Attica, described, sacred to Athena.

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