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Faustus, bishop of Riez

Faustus, surnamed Reiensis (otherwise Regensis, or Regiensis) from the episcopal see over which he presided, was a native of Brittany, the contemporary and friend of Sidonius Apollinaris. Having passed his youth in the seclusion of a cloister, he succeeded Maximus, first as abbot of Lerins, afterwards in A. D. 472, as bishop of Riez, in Provence, and died about A. D. 490, or, according to Tillemont, some years latter. For a considerable period he was regarded as the head of the Semipelagians, and, in consequence of the earnestness and success with which he advocated the doctrines of that sect, was stigmatised as a heretic by the Catholic followers of St. Augustin, while his zeal against the Arians excited the enmity of Euric, king of the Visigoths, by whom He was driven into exile about A. D. 481, and did not return until A. D. 484, after the death of his persecutor. Notwithstanding the heavy charges preferred against the orthodoxy of this prelate, it is certain that he enjoyed a wide reputation, and possessed great influence, while alive, and was worshipped as a saint after death, by the citizens of Riez, who erected a basilica to his memory, and long celebrated his festival on the 18th of January.
  The works of Faustus have never been collected and edited with care, and hence the accounts given by different authorities vary considerably. The following list, if not absolutely complete, embraces every thing of importance:
1. Professio Fidei, contra eos, qui per solam Dei Voluntatem alios dicunt ad Vitam attrahi, alios in Mortem deprimi. (Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677)
2. De Gratia Dei et Hamanae Mentis libero Arbitrio Libri II. (Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677)
   These two treatises, composed about A. D. 475, present a full and distinct developemenient of the sentiments of the author with regard to original sin, predestinati on, free will, election, and grace, and demonstrate that his views corresponded closely with those entertained by Cassianus.
3. Responsio ad Objecta quaedam de Ratione Fidei Catholicae; an essay, as the title implies, on some points connected with the Arian controversy. It is included in the collection of ancient French ecclesiastical writers published by P. Pithou, 1586
4. Sermones Sea ad Monachos, together with an Admionitio and exhortations, all addressed to the monks of Lerins, while he presided over their community. (Martene et Durand, Scriptor. et Monumentor. ampliss. Collectio, Paris, 1733; Brockie, Codex Regularum, &c. Append. Aug. Vind. 1759; Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677; Basnage, Thesaurus Monumentor. &c., Amst. 1725)
5. Homilia de S. Maximi Laudibus, erroneously included among the homilies ascribed to Eusebius Emesenus, who flourished under Constantius before the establishment of a monastery at Lerins. (Bibl. Magna Patr. Colon. Agripp)
6. Epistolae. Nineteen are to be found in the third part of the fifth volume of the Bibl. Mag. Patr. Colon. Agripp. 1618, and the most interesting are contained in Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. These letters are addressed to different persons, and treat of various points connected with speculative theology, and the heresies prevalent at that epoch.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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