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Location information

Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Airport information  for wider area of: "KASSOS Island DODEKANISSOS" .

Airport information (2)

Civil Aviation Administration

Kassos Airport, Municipal

Tel: +30 22450 41587
Fax: +30 22450 42722

General Information

Kassos Municipal Airport is located about 1km west of Fry, on the coastal road to Aghios Constantinos. There are no direct flights to Kassos. Flights are scheduled via Rhodes with a stopover at Karpathos.
Airport connects to villages only by taxi.

Operating hours

According to a statement issued by Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority the operation hours of Kassos Municipal Airport from 3.29.2015 to 10.24.2015 are:

Monday 10:00-15:30
Tuesday 09:30-12:30
Wednesday 10:00-15:30
Thursday 09:30-12:30
Friday 10:00-15:30
Saturday 09:30-12:30
Sunday 11:30-15:30


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