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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


GERGITHA (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Gergis, Gergithus, Gergithes (Gerpsis, Gerpsithos, Gerpsithes: Eth. Gerpsithios), a town in Troas, on the north of the river Scamnander, was inhabited, according to Herodotus (v. 122, vii. 43), by descendants of the ancient Teucrians. In the time of Xenophon (Hell. iii. 1. § 15) Gergis is called a strong place; it had an acropolis and strong walls, and was one of the chief towns of the Dardanian princess Mania. (Comp. Plut. Phoc. 18; Liv. xxxviii. 39; Strab. xiii. p. 589; Plin. v. 32; Steph. B. s. v.; Athen. vi. p. 256, xii. p. 524.) King Attalus of Pergamus transplanted the inhabitants of Gergis to a place near the sources of the Caicus, whence we afterwards find a place called Gergetha or Gergithion, near Larissa, in the territory of Cyme. (Strab. l. c. 616.) The old town of Gergis was believed by some to have been the birthplace of the Sibyl, whence coins found there have the image of the prophetess impressed upon them.

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