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Biographies (1)

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SUSA (Ancient city) IRAN
Diogenes, praefect of Susiana in the reign of Antiochus the Great. During the rebellion of Molo he defended the arx of Susa while the city itself was taken by the rebel. Molo ceased pushing his conquest further, and leaving a besieging corps behind him, he returned to Seleuceia. When the insurrection was at length put down by Antiochus, Diogenes obtained the command of the military forces [p. 1020] stationed in Media. In B. C. 210, when Antiochus pursued Arsaces II. into Hyrcania, Diogenes was appointed commander of the vanguard, and distinguished himself during the march. (Polyb. v. 46, 48, 54, x. 29, 30.)

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