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Listed 20 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography  for wider area of: "ICEL Province TURKEY" .

Religious figures biography (20)


Basilius, bishop of Seleuceia

SELEFKIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Basilius, (Basileios and Basilios), commonly called Basil. Bishop of Seleuceia in Isauria from 448 till after 458, distinguished himself by taking alternately both sides in the Eutychian controversy. His works are published with those of Gregory Thaumaturgus, in the Paris edition of 1622. He must not be confounded with Basil, the friend of Chrysostom, as is done by Photius. (Cod. 168, ed. Bekker.)


TARSOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Helladius. Bishop of Tarsus, originally a monk, flourished about A. D. 431, and was remarkable for his attach ment to Nestorius, through which he lost his bishopric. He was afterwards reconciled to the church, but he was compelled to join in the anathema upon Nestorius. Six letters of his are extant. (Cave, Hist. Lit. s. a. 431.)


Diodorus of Tarsus


St.Nectarius (Patriarch of Constantinople 381-397)

Arsacius (Patriarch of Constantinople 404-405)


Hieromartyr Athenogenes

ELEOUS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Bishop of Sebaste

St. Castor & Stephen

TARSOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
d. unknown, feastday: April 27

Sts Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus

The Catholic Encyclopedia

St. Athanasius

d.c. 257, feastday: August 22

St. Castor & Dorotheus

d. unknown, feastday: March 28

St. Cyrenia & Juliana

d. 306, feastday: November 1

St. Eleutherius

d.c. 310, feastday: August 4

Martyrs of Tarsus

d.c. 290, feastday: June 6

St. Diomedes

Diomedes, St., a physician, saint, and martyr, was born at Tarsus in Cilicia, of Christian parents. He lived at Tarsus for some time, and practised as a physician, but afterwards removed to Nicaea in Bithynia, where he continued till his death. We are told that he practised with great success, and used to endeavour, whenever he had an opportunity, to convert his patients to Christianity. For his efforts in this cause he was ordered to be brought before the emperor Diocletian, who at that time happened to be at Nicomedeia in Bithynia, but died on his way thither, about the beginning of the fourth century after Christ. A church was built at Constantinople in his honour by Constantine the Great, which was afterwards adorned and beautified by the emperor Basil I. in the ninth century. He is commemorated by the Romish and Greek churches on the 16th of August. (Acta Sanct. ; Bzovius, Nomenclator Sanctoruum Professione Medicorm, Carpzovius, de Medicis ab Ecclesia pro Sanctis habitis ; Menolog. Graecorum.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

d. 4th century, feastday: August 16

St. Dulas

ZEFYRION (Ancient city) TURKEY
d.c. 310, feastday: June 15

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