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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "MAKARIA Ancient city CYPRUS" .

Information about the place (2)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


MAKARIA (Ancient city) CYPRUS

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  On the N coast. The ruins of a small town identified by Hogarth with this site cover the Moulos headland, E of Keryneia. The necropolis lies S. The small bay to the E may have served as an anchorage.
  Nothing is known of the founding of the town but it was occupied for the first time during the Late Bronze Age. Among surface finds of this period are fragments of Minoan and Mycenaean pottery. It is mentioned by Ptolemy the geographer but otherwise nothing else is known of its history. It seems to have flourished from Hellenistic to Early Christian times when it was gradually abandoned after the first Arab raids of A.D. 647. The town site is now under cultivation and is thus far unexcavated.

K. Nicolaou, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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