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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Bilbilis (Calatayud) Zaragoza, Spain.
Iberian settlement and Roman municipium in the Conventus Caesaraugustanus Tarraconensis, at the junction of the Jalon and Jiloca rivers and SW of the town of Zaragoza on the road to Madrid. Traces of it are visible on the hill above Bambola, 6 km from the present town of Calatayud. Excavations have yielded remains perhaps of a theater, of a temple, and of hydraulic construction. The town climbed a hillside and was of long but irregular outline. Paintings and other objects are in the local museum.
  Bilbilis was the scene of the struggle between Sertorius and Metellus. The town issued native coinage and, from the time of Augustus, Imperial bronze coinage. It was famous for the temper of its weapons, as well as for being the place where Martial was born and died. Ausonius (Ep. 29.57), in the 4th c., includes it among the abandoned and desolate Spanish towns.

J. Arce, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Jan 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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