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Biographies (3)


Elpidius or Helpidius

Elpidius or Helpidius (Elpidios), one of the physicians of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, A. D. 493--526, whom he attended in his last illness. (Procop de Bello Goth. lib. i. p. 167, ed. Hoschel.) He was a Christian, and in deacon's orders, and probably a native of Milan. There is extant a letter to him from king Theodoric (ap. Cassiod. Vrariar. iv. 24), and four from Ennodius (Epist. vii 7, viii. 8, ix. 14, 21; ap. Sirmondi Opera, vol. i.)


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Grata, daughter of the emperor Valentinian I. by his second wife, Justina, whom he married, according to Theophanes, A. D. 368. She remained all her life unmarried. She and her sister, Justa, were at Mediolanum or Milan while the remams of her murdered brother, Valentinian II., continned there unburied, and deeply la [p. 301] mented his loss. It is doubtful if they were at Vienna in Gaul, where he was killed, at the time of his death (A. D. 392), and accompanied his body to Milan, or whether they were at Milan. (Socrat. II E. iv. 31; Ambros. de Obitu Valentiniani, 40, &c., Epist. 53)

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