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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Main pages  for wider area of: "PALEOCHORI Settlement CHALKIDA" .

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  It is a village on an altimeter of 300 meters and over, at about 6 km distance southerly of Rovies. The available signs from very old times (the Stone Age) for people lived in the area and the name itself of Paleochori (old village) leading to very old times, are information needing to be detected. The life in the village seems to be assimilated, during the old times, to the life of a wider area of Orovies and in post-byzantium times, to the life the dominating existence of the Convent of Holy David - the old man. The residents today deal with agricultural and veterinary works and the people according to the census in 1991 are 54.
This text is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Elymnies tourist pamphlet.

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