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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Biotopes  for wider area of: "ZAKYNTHOS Prefecture IONIAN ISLANDS" .

Biotopes (3)

Hellenic Ornithological Society



Zakynthos is particularly rich in terms of flora and fauna. The high rainfall haw created a verbant environment of trees and forests, with a wide range of rare flowers and plants. The Zakynthos environment haw become an object of international interest because the loggerhead turtle Caretta-caretta, an endangered species protected by international conventions and by Greek legislation lays its eggs on the island's southern shores. Already, Greece is going ahead to create a National Marine Park in the Laganas Bay with the sole purpose of protecting this rare species. Also, on the steep western shores of the island the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus-monachus lives and breeds, a species also protected by Greek low.

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