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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources for destination: "ERYTHRES Ancient city TURKEY".

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia

Erythrai (Erythrae)

An Ionian town in Asia Minor, inhabited by a mixed population, sanctuary and image of Herakles at E, temple of Athena Polias at E, people of Parium, a colony from E, Erythraeans claim Herophile the Sibyl, set up statue at Olympia.



Erythrae was the native city of Sibylla, a woman who was divinely inspired and had the gift of prophecy, one of the ancients. And in the time of Alexander there was another woman who likewise had the gift of prophecy; she was called Athenais, and was a native of the same city. And, in my time, Heracleides the Herophileian physician, fellow, pupil of Apollonius Mys, was born there.

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