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Location information

Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Museums where finds of the location are exhibited:  for wider area of: "EGIRA Small town ACHAIA" .

Museums where finds of the location are exhibited: (1)

Ministry of Culture WebPages

Archaeological Museum of Aigion

EGIRA (Ancient city) ACHAIA
Tel: +30 26910 21517, 24614
  The museum is housed in the building of the old town market of Aigion, which was designed by E. Ziller and built in 1890. The collections of the museum include finds dating from the Neolithic to the Late Roman periods.
  The most important items of the exhibition are:
Fruitstand with painted decoration: It was found at the Neolithic settlement of Sylivaina at Krathion and dates from the Middle Neolithic period (6000 B.C.).
Three-handled pithos-amphora dated to the second half of the 15th century B.C.
Necklace of cornelian and glass-paste beads dated to the 14th-13th century B.C.
Corinthian krater bearing painted representations of sphinxes and an eagle. Dated to 690 B.C.
Antefix decorated with a painted palmette, from the Archaic temple at Aigira. Dated to 500 B.C.
Clay sima with painted decoration: It belonged to the Archaic temple at Aigira and is dated to 500 B.C.
Marble statue of Aigiochos dated to the 1st century A.D.

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