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Εμφανίζονται 1 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές για το τοπωνύμιο: "ΣΑΛΜΩΝΗ Αρχαία πόλη ΗΛΕΙΑ".

Αρχαίες πηγές (1)



   Salmone is situated near the spring of that name from which flows the Enipeus River. The river empties into the Alpheius, and is now called the Barnichius.It is said that Tyro fell in love with Enipeus:
   "She loved a river, the divine Enipeus." For there, it is said, her father Salmoneus reigned, just as Euripides also says in his Aeolus. Some write the name of the river in Thessaly "Eniseus"; it flows from Mount Othrys, and receives the Apidanus, which flows down out of Pharsalus.

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