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Religious monuments

The church of Ayios Andreas

  The church of Ayios Andreas stands at the centre of the modern village of Peristera (Byzantine Peristerai) on Mount Chortiatis. Built in 871, it is one of the most important monuments of Byzantine architecture in Macedonia. Initially it was the katholikon of a monastery founded by Saint Euthymios the Younger, an outstanding figure in the early history of Athonite monasticism.
  The church, a cruciform building with four conches and five cupolas, is a gem of early Byzantine architecture. There is nothing of note to remark about its masonry, for it is the work of a humble monk. It is not known when the building lost its monastic identity and became a parish church.

By kind permission of:Ekdotike Athenon
This text is cited Nov 2003 from the Macedonian Heritage URL below.

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