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Εμφανίζονται 2 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΘΕΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑ Αρχαία πόλη ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΣ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (2)

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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  A city 30 km NW of Medinet El-Faiyum. Of the seven temples that were here during the Ptolemaic period, four had the right of asylum. The main temple was that dedicated by Ptolemy III Euergetes to the local god Pnepheros, the crocodile god. The city seems to have been still active during the Roman period. A large wooden press has been transferred to the garden court of the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria, where are also the reconstructed pylons and the altar of the main temple of Theadelphia. This temple was built on the plan of the Egyptian sanctuaries: three successive courtyards preceded the portico of the principal chapel. The Greek inscription carved over the doorway at the entrance of the temple dates it to the year 34 of the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes. The pylons and the stone portico were dedicated to the god Pnepheros on behalf of the Ptolemaic family by a certain Agathodoros, a citizen of Alexandria.

S. Shenouda, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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