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Εμφανίζονται 16 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΟΥΜΒΡΙΑ Περιφέρεια ΙΤΑΛΙΑ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (16)

Κόμβοι τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης

Κόμβοι, εμπορικοί

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)

Urbs Vetus

  Urbs Vetus (Orvieto), a city of Etruria mentioned by Paulus Diaconus (Hist. Lang. iv. 33) together with Balneum Regis (Bagnarea) in the same neighbourhood. No mention of either name occurs in any writer before the fall of the Roman Empire, but it is probable that the Urbiventum (Ourbibenton) of Procopius, which figures in the Gothic Wars as a fortress of some importance, is the same place as the Urbs Vetus of P. Diaconus. (Procop. B. G. ii. 20.) There is no doubt that the modern name of Orvieto is derived from Urbs Vetus; but the latter is evidently an appellation given in late times, and it is doubtful what was the original name of the city thus designated. Niebuhr supposes it to be Salpinum, noticed by Livy in B.C. 389 (Liv. v. 31; Niebuhr, vol. ii. p. 493), while Italian antiquaries in general identify it with Herbanum. But both suggestions are mere conjectures.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  Perusia (Perousia: Eth. Perusinus: Perugia), one of the most important and powerful cities of Etruria, situated nearly on the eastern frontier of that country, on a lofty hill on the right hank of the Tiber, and overlooking the lake of Thrasymene which now derives from it the name of Lago di Perugia. It closely adjoins the frontiers of Umbria, and hence the tradition reported by Servius, that it was originally an Umbrian city, inhabited by the tribe called Sarsinates, is at least a very probable one. (Serv. ad Aen. x. 201.) The same author has, however, preserved to us another tradition, which ascribes the foundation of Perusia to a hero named Auletes, the brother of Ocnus, the reputed founder of Mantua. (Ib. x. 198.) Justin's assertion that it was of Achaean origin (xx. 1) may be safely rejected as a mere fable; but whatever historical value may be attached to the statements of Servius, it seems probable that Perusia, in common with the other chief places in the same part of Etruria, was in the first instance an Umbrian city, and subsequently passed into the hands of the Etruscans, under whom it rose to be a powerful and important city, and one of the chief members of the Etruscan confederacy. It is not till B.C. 310, when the Romans had carried their arms beyond the Ciminian forest, that the name of Perusia is heard of in history; but we are told that at that period it was one of the most powerful cities of Etruria. (Liv. ix. 37.) The three neighbouring cities of Perusia, Cortona, and Arretium, on that occasion united in concluding a peace with Rome for thirty years (Liv. l. c.; Diod. xx. 35); but they seem to have broken it the very next year, and shared in the great defeat of the Etruscans in general at the Vadimonian lake. This was followed by another defeat under the walls of Perusia itself, which compelled that city to sue for peace; but the statement that it surrendered at discretion, and was occupied with a Roman garrison, is one of those obvious perversions of the truth that occur so frequently in the Roman annals. (Liv. ix. 40.) When we next meet with the name of Perusia, it is still as an independent and powerful state, which in B.C. 295, in conjunction with Clusium, was able to renew the war with Rome; and though their combined forces were defeated by Cn. Fulvius, the Perusians took the lead in renewing the contest the next year. On this occasion they were again defeated with heavy loss by Fabius, 4500 of their troops slain, and above 1700 taken prisoners. (Id. x. 30, 31.) In consequence of this disaster they were compelled before the close of the year to sue for peace, and, by the payment of a large sum of money, obtained a truce for forty years, B.C. 294. (Id. x. 37.) At this time Livy still calls the three cities of Perusia, Volsinii, and Arretium (all of which made peace at. the same time) the three most powerful states and chief cities of Etruria. (Id. l. c.)
  We find no other mention of Perusia as an independent state; and we have no explanation of the circumstances or terms under which it ultimately became a dependency of Rome. But during the Second Punic War it figures among the allied cities which then formed so important a part of the Roman power: its cohorts were serving in her armies (Liv. xxiii. 17), and towards the end of the contest it was one of the populi of Etruria which came forward with alacrity to furnish supplies to the fleet of Scipio. Its contribution consisted of corn, and timber for shipbuilding. (Id. xxviii. 45.) With this exception, we meet with no. other mention of Perusia till near the close of the republican period, when it bore so conspicuous a part in the civil war between Octavian and L. Antonius, in B.C. 41, as to give to that contest the name of Bellum Perusinum. (Suet. Aug. 9; Tac. Ann. v. 1; Oros. vi. 18.) It was shortly after the outbreak of hostilities on that occasion that L. Antonius, finding himself pressed, on all sides by three armies under Agrippa, Salvidienus, and Octavian himself, threw himself into Perusia, trusting in the great natural strength of the city to enable him to hold out till the arrival of his generals, Ventidius and Asinius Pollio, to his relief. But whether from disaffection or incapacity, these officers failed in coming to his support, and Octavian surrounded the whole hill on which the city stands with strong lines of circumvallation, so as to cut him off from all supplies, especially on the side of the Tiber, on which Antonius had mainly relied. Famine soon made itself felt in the city; the siege was protracted through the winter, and Ventidius was foiled in an attempt to compel Octavian to raise it, and drew off his forces without success. L. Antonius now made a desperate attempt to break through the enemy's lines, but was repulsed with great slaughter, and found himself at length compelled to capitulate. His own life was spared, as were those of most of the Roman nobles who had accompanied him; but the chief citizens of Perusia itself were put to death, the city given up to plunder, and an accidental conflagration having been spread by the wind, ended by consuming the whole city. (Appian, B.C. v. 32-49; Dion Cass. xlviii. 14; Vell. Pat. ii. 74; Flor. iv. 5; Suet. Aug. 14, 96.) A story told by several writers of Octavian having sacrificed 300 of the prisoners at an altar consecrated to the memory of Caesar, is in all probability a fiction, or at least an exaggeration. (Dion Cass. l. c.; Suet. Aug. 15; Senec. de Clem. i. 11 ; Merivale's Roman Empire, vol. iii. p. 227.)
  Perusia was raised from its ashes again by Augustus, who settled a fresh body of citizens there, and the city assumed in consequence the surname of Augusta Perusia, which we find it bearing in inscriptions; but it did not obtain the rank or title of a colony; and its territory was confined to the district within a mile of the walls. (Dion Cass. xlviii. 14; Orell. Inscr. 93-95, 608.) Notwithstanding this restriction, it appears to have speedily risen again into a flourishing municipal town. It is noticed by Strabo as one of the chief towns in the interior of Etruria, and its municipal consideration is attested by numerous inscriptions. (Strab. v. p. 226; Plin. iii. 5. s. 8; Ptol. iii. 1. § 48; Tab. Peut.; Orell. Inscr. 2531, 3739, 4038.) From one of these we learn that it acquired under the Roman Empire the title of Colonia Vibia; but the origin of this is unknown, though it is probable that it was derived from the emperor Trebonianus Gallus, who appears to have bestowed some conspicuous benefits on the place. (Vermiglioli, Iscriz. Perug. pp. 379-400; Zumpt, de Colon. p. 436.) The name of Perusia is not again mentioned in history till after the fall of the Roman Empire, but its natural strength of position rendered it a place of importance in the troubled times that followed; and it figures conspicuously in the Gothic wars, when it is called by Procopius a strong fortress and the chief city of Etruria. It was taken by Belisarius in A.D. 537, and occupied with a strong garrison: in 547 it was besieged by Totila, but held out against his arms for nearly two years, and did not surrender till after Belisarius had quitted Italy. It was again recovered by Narses in 552. (Procop. B. G i. 16, 17, iii. 6, 25, 35, iv. 33.) It is still mentioned by Paulus Diaconus Hist. Lang. ii. 16) as one of the chief cities of Tuscia under the Lombards, and in the middle ages became an independent republic. Perugia still continues a considerable city, with 15,000 inhabitants, and is the capital of one of the provinces of the Roman states.
  The modern city of Perugia retains considerable vestiges of its ancient grandeur. The most important of these are the remains of the walls, which agree in character with those of Chiusi and Todi, being composed of long rectangular blocks of travertine, of very regular masonry, wholly different from the ruder and more massive walls of Cortona and Volterra It is a subject of much doubt whether these walls belong to the Etruscan city, or are of later and Roman times. The ancient gates, two of which still exist, must in all probability be referred to the latter period. The most striking of these is that now known as the Arco d'Augusto, from the inscription Augusta Perusia over the arch: this probably dates from the restoration of the city under Augustus, though some writers would assign it to a much more remote period. Another gate, known as the Porta Marzia, also retains its ancient arch; while several others, though more or less modernised, are certainly of ancient construction as high as the imposts. It is thus certain that the ancient city was not more extensive than the modern one; but, like that, it occupied only the summit of the hill, which is of very considerable elevation, and sends down its roots and underfalls on the one side towards the Tiber, on the other towards the lake of Thrasymene. Hence the lines of circumvallation drawn round the foot of the hill by Octavian enclosed a space of 56 stadia, or 7 Roman miles (Appian, B.C. v. 33), though the circuit of the city itself did not exceed 2 miles.
  The chief remains of the ancient Etruscan city are the sepulchres without the walls, many of which have been explored, and one - the family tomb of the Volumnii - has been preserved in precisely the same state as when first discovered. From the inscriptions, some of which are bilingual, we learn that the family name was written in Etruscan Velimnas, which is rendered in Latin by Volumnius. Other sepulchres appear to have belonged to the families whose names assumed the Latin forms, Axia, Caesia, Petronia, Vettia, and Vibia. Another of these tombs is remarkable for the careful construction and regular masonry of its arched vault, on which is engraved an Etruscan inscription of considerable length. But a far more important monument of that people is an inscription now preserved in the museum at Perugia. which extends to forty-six lines in length, and is the only considerable fragment of the language which has been preserved to us. Numerous sarcophagi, urns, vases, and other relics from the various tombs, are preserved in the same museum, as well as many inscriptions of the Roman period. (Vermiglioli, Iscrizioni Perugine, 2 vols. 4to., Perugia, 1834; Id. Il Sepolcro dei Volunni, 4to., Perugia, 1841; Dennis's Etruria, vol. ii. pp. 458-489.)
  We learn from ancient authors that Juno was regarded as the tutelary deity of Perusia till after the burning of the city in B.C. 40, when the temple of Vulcan being the only edifice that escaped the conflagration, that deity was adopted by the surviving citizens as their peculiar patron. (Dion Cass. xlviii. 14; Appian. B.C. v. 49.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

Umbria, Ombrike


   The portion of Central Italy between the rivers Sapis in the north and Nar in the south, the Apennines in the west, the Ager Gallicus near Ariminum and the Ager Picens near Hadria in the east; in Augustus's division, the sixth region of Italy, with about fifty important cities, after B.C. 220, traversed by the Via Flaminia. It was able, at the time of the Second Punic War, to muster 20,000 warriors against the Keltic foe. The name Ombrikoi (shorter Ombroi) is first met in Herodotus as an undefined title for the Italic tribes in the region of the Po, of which the Etruscans took possession. The ancients derived the name from ombros, imber, making the people as old as the Deluge; the Umbrian-Roman comedian Plautus, with more probable correctness, in a joke connects the word with umbra. The name probably designated the tribes of the western mountains from the standpoint of some of the Greeks.
    Most nearly related to the Latins and the Sabellian tribes, the Umbrians were the ruling race of Northern Italy until the Romans, in the extension of their power, about B.C. 300, brought them also under their sway. The Sarsinates were the last to submit to the Roman imperium in the year 266, after a vain attempt to recover their freedom; the Sarsinate Plautus, who wrote for the Roman stage even before 200, is so completely Latinized that his ancient commentators had trouble to discover a single Umbrian word in his comedies. The historical importance of the Umbrians, therefore, belongs to an undefined period prior to the end of the fourth century B.C., when they formed a powerful barrier for the Italic peoples against the tribes of another race pushing on from the North. The elder Cato had placed the founding of the Umbrian city of Ameria in the year B.C. 1133, fifty years after the fall of Troy, as calculated by the Alexandrian scholars. Once subjugated by these strangers, or while still contending with them for supremacy in the plain of the Po and beyond the Apennines, the Umbrians had been more and more forced back, and at last confined to the abovenamed position in the valleys east of the Apennines. There they had been obliged to give place to the Kelts and Etruscans, who, to the last, were considered by the Umbrians the chief enemies of their own name. Various Keltic tribes had at different times pushed their way south through the plains of Lombardy into Umbrian territory; the tomb of a Kelt, with Keltic and Roman inscriptions, was found at Tuder in the heart of Umbria. This race is represented in the ritual records of the Umbrians by the tribe of the Iapyds, which is not mentioned in the Roman annals until the second century B.C. The other hereditary enemy was the Etruscans. Not only did the Umbrians contend with Etruscans for the adjoining lands of the Po region, where many settlements were alternately Umbrian and Etruscan, but even in Etruria itself, many districts had been in the hands of the Umbrians before they were driven out by the Etruscans; and before the onsets of the Romans both nations made war against each other alternately to and fro across the Tiber, which formed the boundary between their territories. Thus the strongest barrier was set against the spread of the Umbrians to the north and west. It is no wonder, then, that the Umbrians, hemmed in by Kelts and Etruscans, were unable to offer any successful resistance to the conquering enemies of their own line pressing upon them from the Nar, since we see them without unity or centralized power, split up into a number of cities or States, which were just as hostile to each other as to the national enemy, as the Iguvini towards the Tadinates, the Sarsinates towards the rest of the Umbrians. The contrast to the political ideas and discipline of the Romans is apparent also in the contrasting application of an hereditary expression for their civil divisions. While the Romans subordinated the tribus as a fractional part to the civitas, with the Umbrians the trifu, i. e. the outlying country confederation belonging to the city, stood above the tota, as they called the city organization, as the essence of the State; e. g. the district of Iguvium or the tribus Sapinia on the northern boundary of the land. As in Rome, consuls, so at the head of Umbrian States we find marones, a word familiar through Vergil's cognomen.
    The fact that we know a little more of the Umbrians, their language and civilization, than the scanty and inexact records of the ancient historians and geographers tell us, is due to the inscriptions on the monuments which the soil of the land has preserved for modern times. It is true that the smaller inscriptions from Asisium, Fulginia, Tuder, Ameria, including two dies for coinage, only seven in number, and of limited extent, give little information; but from the inscription of Assisi we may mention the mayor Propartis as the ancestor of the Umbrian Callimachus, who in the last verse of his elegy on Maecenas evidently makes an allusion to the etymology, clearer in that form, of his name (in partes). Far richer and more valuable, in their extent almost unique in Italian epigraphy, are the seven bronze tablets excavated in 1444 in the theatre at Iguvium (now Gubbio) and still preserved at that place, written partly in the Umbrian, partly in the Latin alphabet, but all in the Umbrian dialect. They are the legacy of a religious brotherhood, which had at Iguvium nearly the same importance as the Pontifical Collegium at Rome, and at all events far surpassed the known Roman brotherhoods in weight and influence in the sacras of all the communities. The Temple of Iupiter Apenninus on the heights at Iguvium was famous in ancient times; but certain indications of the position of this temple and cult are lacking in the tablets.
    These tablets (Tabulae Iguvinae or Eugubinae) are the work of the Fratres Atiedii, who have here set down their ritual and in addition some decisions of their College. Of the ten great families for whose alliance a sacrifice of pigs and goats is offered twice a year, the Atiedias familia occupies the first place; the similarity of this name to the ethnic name of the Umbrian city Attidium is certainly not accidental. The most mportant tablets are I., VI., and VII., which describe the most essential sacrificial rites of the ancient communities, the lustration of the sacred citadel (montem piare), and the purification of the people (circumferre populum), from moment to moment and with all the ceremonies and prayers-- Tablet I. briefly, VI. and VII. in greater detail, just as among the Roman Fratres Arvales the protocols of the rites are at first short, later more detailed and verbose. At the consecration of the citadel a procession went from gate to gate, and before and behind each gate a rich sacrifice was offered for the citadel and town of Iguvium. The celebration was concluded with sacrifices of bullocks at the Temple of Iupiter and a deity related to Iuno Curritis, which probably stood upon the citadel; the whole ceremony occupied the greater part of the day. "Then the citadel shall be purified; but if anything should be omitted, the officiating priest must observe the birds, turn back at the first gate, and begin the sacred rite anew." Tablet II. gives directions for a sacrifice improperly made and for the service of the dead, and on the other side for the half-yearly family reunions; III. and IV. add the ritual of the ambarvalia to the amburbium and ambilustrium described in I., VI., and VII.; V. contains decrees of the College as to what the officiating priest and the members of the society have to perform and to demand in regard to the expenses necessary for the sacra, the sacrificial feast, the distribution of the flesh, etc. As we possess no documents similar to these Umbrian remains concerning Roman religion and religious observances, and least of all from the time when the Roman cult was not yet permeated and adulterated by the Grecian, the great importance of these monuments for all investigation of Roman as well as of Italian ceremonial systems is self-evident. As the whole Roman literature, frequently as it refers to auspices and other kindred terms, does not tell us much of their nature, the arrangement of the temple, the methods and forms of auspices, etc., as the beginning of the sixth Umbrian tablet, its statements are necessarily the foundation for all scientific investigation of these questions. The significance of the vacca honoraria in contrast to the hostiae piaculares in the Roman Arval-rites had been shown in the Umbrian vittu vufru, before the recently discovered record of the Roman secular festival under Augustus had instructed even Roman antiquarians on the point.
    But infinitely greater in value than the information which these tablets contain is their linguistic importance, for we must not forget that some light is shed by the language upon those periods of the people on which history is silent, in so far as it interprets the origin of a race and its connection with or opposition to other peoples. Although in the last century, misled by the characters, scholars associated Umbrian and Etruscan, every one knows, from the language, that these two races had nothing in common. This, however, does not preclude the possibility that in consequence of centuries of proximity each one borrowed features from the other, or both from a third; as, e. g., the Umbrian-Italian words maron (city official) and vinu are found also in Etruscan. This much at least is sure, on the other hand, that the Umbrians received their writing and alphabet from the Etruscans. And this very point throws still further light on primitive times. For while their language unites the Umbrians with the Latins, Sabines, Samnites, and the smaller peoples of Central Italy, so that we roughly class them all as Italic, the writing separates the Umbrians from the Latins and Faliscans, and places them in a closer relation, produced probably by longer living together, with the Samnites (Oscans), who, together with the Umbrians, adopted the same Etruscan alphabet. In this alphabet, to which the sign [Figure] for the Italic fricative f is peculiar, the character for the vowel o was wanting (so in Umbrian puplum is written for poplom), as were also the characters for medial g (for which Ikuvina and Ijuvina are written), and d, which is supplied partly by t (tekuries for the Latin decuries). But the Umbrians compensated for this by incorporating two new characters in their alphabet, both modifications of an older r-sign, as the sound represented by the first letter had really relationship with the r-sound. The second letter was then arbitrarily formed in imitation of the first. The first is represented in Latin writing by rs, in general etymologically corresponding to the Greek d--e. g., persu, for poda, pedem; sometimes to l, as in karsitu for kaleito, calato. The fact that the Latin transcription employed r as well as s indicates a dental sound, such as the rubbing of the tongue between the teeth produces. The other letter is , rendered s' in the Latin writing, etymologically corresponding to k before i and e: fas'ia for Latin faciat, pas'e for Latin pace. This fact, that the Umbrian, in agreement with the Romance languages, changes the original guttural into the sibilant before light vowels, is the more remarkable since in related dialects no trace of this is found, nor in Latin before the time of Constantine. But this is one of many indications that important linguistic processes of the Romance languages have their beginning in the far-distant past of the Italic, but, pushed aside and restrained by the development and predominance of literary Latin, only with its decadence after the time of the Antonines come to the surface and into use again. The language of the Umbrians, as we know it from the monuments, embraces approximately the second century B.C. The inscriptions written in the Latin alphabet may be assigned on palaeographic and other grounds to the time of Sulla , roughly to B.C. 100; those written in Umbrian characters, therefore, tablets written from right to left as among the Etruscans, must be as much older as is required for certain changes in the language, shown in later tablets, to have become fixed. Among these changes the progress of rhotacism in place of an original s is especially prominent, as e. g. in the older tablets we find the genitive singular totas like sophias, paterfamilias, but in the later, totar. From this difference we distinguish Old Umbrian, written in the national alphabet, and New Umbrian, written in Latin; the former reaches scarcely beyond the war with Hannibal, but may perhaps, as appears from the older tablets (I. to V.), have been produced in different decades of the second century, since even in them slight differences in language appear.
    On the whole, the Umbrian more nearly resembles the Oscan than the Latin, the reason for which has been already indicated in its phonology (Umbr.-Osc. pantam, Lat. quantam), in inflection (nominative plural Umbr.-Osc. viros, Lat. viri; Umbr.-Osc. frateer, Lat. fratres; fut. Umbr.Osc. fust, Lat. erit, etc.), in vocabulary (Umbr.Osc. heriom, Lat. velle). The discoveries of Oscan remains in recent years have confirmed the presumption of a very close agreement between Oscans and Umbrians in matter as well as in language (e.g. in the pentadic family order). But the Oscan gives the impression of a more vigorous plant, as though unfolded in the sunlight of Magna Graecia. It has more genuine, transparent, elegant forms, while with the Umbrians even their language reflects the pressure of their political relations, narrowing and stunted. All the diphthongs have disappeared (oktur, Lat. auctor, kvestur); the endings are mangled (nome for nomen, emantu for emantur, etc.); in composition four prepositions, appearing in Latin as ab, ad, an, and in, are reduced to the bare a-vowel.
    If we bring Latin into comparison, the Umbrian has most similarity in its general structure with the Latin of two periods--the first, before it had been elaborated on literary lines, the second after the decline of the literature at its vulgarization and breaking up into provincial idioms. It is therefore not probable that a national literature preceded or accompanied the Umbrian which we know. Among the smaller tribes of Central Italy the Paeligni spoke a dialect occupying a place about midway between Umbrian and Oscan; but in spite of the greater separation in their positions, in historic times, the language of the Volsci comes near to the Umbrian.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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