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Nefeli Villas & Suites

Tourist Furnished houses / Villas
Operating period: Apr - Oct  
Address: Nea Skioni - Agia Paraskevi Provincial Road 63077 NEA SKIONI , HALKIDIKI , GREECE
Registration number: 0938K91000713001 , 0938K91000712701 , 0938K91000713901 , 0938K91000713801 , 0938K91000713501 , 0938K91000712301 , 0938K91000712401 , 0938K91000713301 , 0938K91000713401 , 0938K91000713201 , 0938K91000712601 , 0938K91000712901 , 0938K91000712801 , 0938K91000712101 , 0938K91000712201 , 0938K91000714001 , 0938K91000713101
Total room number: 26
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