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Εμφανίζονται 14 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Τοπωνύμια  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΚΟΥΣΑΝΤΑΣΙ Πόλη ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ" .

Τοπωνύμια (14)

Αρχαία τοπωνύμια


ΕΦΕΣΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Ποταμός στην περιοχή της Εφέσου (Παυσ. 7,5,10).


Πηγή κοντά στην Εφεσο (Παυσ. 7,5,10).

Cayster plain

Caystri Campus (to Kaustrou pedion) is Strabo's name for the plain of the Cayster. Stephanus (s. v. Kaustrion pedion) assigns it to the Ephesia or territory of Ephesus, with the absurd remark that the Cayster, from which it takes its name, was so called from its proximity to the Catacecaumene or Burnt Region. Stephanus adds the Ethnic name Kaustrianos ; but this belongs properly to the people of some place, as there are medals with the legend Kaustrianon.
  Xenophon, in his march of Cyrus from Sardis (Anab. i. 2. § 11), speaks of a Kaustrou pedion. Before coming here, Cyrus passed through Celaenae, Peltae, and Ceramon Agora. The march from Celaenae to Peltae is 10 parasangs; from Peltae to Ceramon Agora, 12 parasangs; and from Ceramon Agora to the plain of Cayster, which Xenophon calls an inhabited city, was 30 parasangs. From the plain of Cayster, Cyrus marched 10 parasangs to Thymbrium, then 10 to Tyraeum, and then 20 to Iconium, the last city of Phrygia in the direction of his march; for after leaving Iconium, he entered Cappadocia. Iconium is Koniyeh, a position well known. Celaenae is also well known, being at Deenair, on the Maeander. Now the march of Cyrus from Celaenae to Iconium was 92 parasangs, or 2760 stadia, according to Greek computation, if the numbers are right in the Greek text. Cyrus, therefore, did not march direct from Celaenae to Iconium. He made a great bend to the north, for the Ceramon Agora was the nearest town in Phrygia to Mysia. The direct distance from Celaenae to Iconium is about 125 English miles. The distance by the route of Cyrus was 276 geog. miles, if the Greek value of the parasang is true, as given by Xenophon and Herodotus; but it may be less.
  The supposition that the plain of Cayster is the plain through which the Cayster flows cannot be admitted; and as Cyrus seems for some reason to have directed his march northwards from Celaenae till he came near the borders of Mysia, his route to Iconium would be greatly lengthened. Two recent attempts have been made to fix the places between Celaenae and Iconium, one by Mr. Hamilton (Researches, &c., vol. ii. p. 198, &c.), and another by Mr. Ainsworth (Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand, &c., p. 24, &c.). The examination of these two explanations cannot be made here for want of space. But it is impossible to identify with certainty positions on a line of road where distances only are given, and we find no corresponding names to guide us. Mr. Hamilton supposes that the Caystri Campus may be near the village of Chai Kieui, and near the banks of the Eber Ghieul in the extensive plain between that village and Polybotum. Chai Kieui is in about 38° 40? N. lat. Mr. Ainsworth places the Caystri Campus further west at a place called Surmeneh, a high and arid upland, as its ancient name designates, which is traversed by an insignificant tributary to the Eber Gol, Mr. Hamilton's Eber Ghieul. The neighbourhood of Surmeneh abounds in ancient remains; but Chai Kieui is an insignificant place, without ruins. Both Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Ainsworth, however, agree in fixing the Caystri Campus in the basin of this river, the Eber Ghieul, and so far the conclusion may be accepted as probable. But the exact site of the place cannot be determined without further evidence. Cyrus stayed at Caystri Campus five days, and he certainly would not stay with his troops five days in a high and arid upland. As the plain was called the Plain of Cayster, we may assume that there was a river Cayster where Cyrus halted. One of Mr. Ainsworth's objections to Mr. Hamilton's conclusion is altogether unfounded. He says that the plain which Mr. Hamilton chooses as the site of the Caystri Campus is an extensive plain, but very marshy, being in one part occupied by a perpetual and large lake, called Eber Gol, and most unlikely at any season of the year to present the arid and burnt appearance which could have led the Greeks to call it Caustron or Caystrus, the burnt or barren plain. But the word Caystrus could not mean burnt, and Stephanus is guilty of originating this mistake. It means no more a burnt plain here than it does when applied to the plain above Ephesus. Both were watery places; one we know to be so; and the other we may with great probability conclude to be. The medals with the epigraph KaustriaWoW may belong to this place, and not to a city in the valley of the Lydian Cayster.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Myonnesus cape & island

Myonnesus (Muonnesos or Muonesos), a promontory on the south-west of Lebedus, on the coast of Ionia, at the northern extremity of the bay of Ephesus. It is celebrated in history for the naval victory there gained by the Romans under L. Aemilius over Antiochus the Great, in B.C. 190. (Steph. B. s. v.; Strab. xiv. p. 643; Thucyd. iii. 42; Liv. xxxvii. 27.) Livy describes the promontory as situated between Samos and Teos, and as rising from a broad basis to a pointed summit. There was an approach to it on the land side by a narrow path; while on the sea side it was girt by rocks, so much worn by the waves, that in some parts the over-hanging cliffs extended further into the sea than the ships stationed under them. On this promontory there also was a small town of the name of Myonnesus [p. 387] (Steplh. B., Strab ll. cc.), which belonged to Teos. The rocks of Myonnesus are now called Hypsilibounos.
Pliny (H. N. v. 37) mentions a small island of the name of Myonnesus near Ephesus, which, together with two others, Anthinae and Diarrheusa, formed a group called Pisistrati Insulae.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Selinusia lake

After the outlet of the Cayster River comes a lake that runs inland from the sea, called Selinusia; and next comes another lake that is confluent with it, both affording great revenues. Of these revenues, though sacred, the kings deprived the goddess, but the Romans gave them back; and again the tax-gatherers forcibly converted the tolls to their own use; but when Artemidorus was sent on an embassy, as he says, he got the lakes back for the goddess, and he also won the decision over Heracleotis, which was in revolt, his case being decided at Rome; and in return for this the city erected in the temple a golden image of him. In the innermost recess of the lake there is a temple of a king, which is said to have been built by Agamemnon.

Selenusiae (Selenousiai) or Selennuetes, two lakes formed by the sea, north of the mouth of the Caystrus, and not far from the temple of the Ephesian Artemis. These two lakes, which communicated with each other, were extremely rich in fish, and formed part of the revenue of the temple of Artemis, though they were on several occasions wrested from it. (Strab. xiv. p. 642; Plin. v. 31.) The name of the lakes, derived from Selene, the moon-goddess, or Artemis, probably arose from their connection with the great goddess of Ephesus. (Comp. Chandler's Travels in Asia Minor, vol. i. p. 162.)

Phyrites tributary

Phyrites, a small tributary of the Caystrus, having its origin in the western branch of Mount Tmolus, and flowing in a southern direction through the Pegasean marsh (Stagnum Pegaseum), discharges itself into the Caystrus some distance above Ephesus. (Plin. v. 31.)

Pegaseum Stagnum

Pegaseum Stagnum a small lake in the Caystrian plain near Ephesus, from which issues the little river Phyrites, a tributary of the Caystrus. (Plin. v. 31.) The district surrounding the lake is at present an extensive morass. (Comp. Arundell, Seven Churches, p. 23, &c.)

Ortygia grove

Ortygia, a grove near Ephesus, in which the Ephesians pretended that Apollo and Artemis were born. Hence the Cayster, which flowed near Ephesus, is called Ortygius Cayster.


Coresus (Koressos). A lofty mountain in Ionia, four miles from Ephesus, with a place of the same name at its foot.

Ορος Πίων

Βουνό κοντά στην Εφεσο (Παυσ. 7,5,10).


Panormus The port of Ephesus formed by the mouth of the Caystrus, near which stood the celebrated temple of the Ephesian Artemis. (Strab. xiv. p. 639; comp. Liv. xxx<*> i. 10, foll., especially 14. 15)


Priapus. An island near Ephesus, Plin. 5, 31, 38, § 137.


Solmissus (Solmissos), a hill near Ephesus, rising above the grove of Leto, where the Curetes, by the loud noise of their arms, prevented Hera from hearing the cries of Leto when she gave birth to her twins. (Strab. xiv. p. 640.)

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