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Εμφανίζονται 8 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΥΠΑΤΗ Δήμος ΦΘΙΩΤΙΔΑ" .

Μυθολογία (8)



A king of the Dryopes, who was attacked and slain by Heracles, because he had violated the sanctuary of Delphi. By his daughter Midea, Heracles became the father of Antiochus.


Laogoras, a king of the Dryopes, was allied with the Lapithae against Aegimius, but was slain by Heracles. (Apollod. ii. 7.


Dryops, king of the Dryopes

Dryops (Druops), a son of the river-god Spercheius, by the Danaid Polydora (Anton. Lib. 32), or, according to others, a son of Lycaon (probably a mistake for Apollo) by Dia, the daughter of Lycaon, who concealed her new-born infant in a hollow oak tree (drus; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 1283; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 480). The Asinaeans in Messenia worshipped him as their ancestral hero, and as a son of Apollo, and celebrated a festival in honour of him every other year. His heroum there was adorned with a very archaic statue of the hero (Paus. iv. 34.6), He had been king of the Dryopes, who derived their name from him, and were believed to have occupied the country from the valley of the Spercheius and Thermopylae, as far as Mount Parnassus. (Anton. Lib. 4; Hom. Hymn. vi. 34)
  There are two other mythical personages of this name. (Hom. Il. xx. 454; Dict. Cret. iv. 7; Virg. Aen. x. 345)



Amphissus (Amphissos), a son of Apollo and Dryope, is said to have been of extraordinary strength, and to have built the town of Oeta on the mountain of the same name. Here he also founded two temples, one of Apollo and the other of the Nymphs. At the latter, games were celebrated down to a late period. (Anton. Lib. 32.)



Dryope. The daughter of King Dryops and beloved by Apollo, who, in order to get possession of her, changed himself into a tortoise. Dryope took the creature into her lap, whereupon it became a serpent. This sudden transformation frightened away the companions of Dryope, thus leaving her alone with the god, who then accomplished his purpose. Soon after she married Andraemon, but became by Apollo the mother of Amphissus, who founded the town of Oeta and built there a shrine to his father. Dryope was at last carried off by the wood-nymphs and became one of them.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Dryope. The daughter of Eurytus or Dryops, and half sister of Iole, Dryope watched her father's animals on the mountain side of Oeta. There she played with the Hamadryades, nymphs of the forest, and they taught her how to sing and dance.
  One day Apollo saw her and took a fancy to the young woman. He turned himself into a tortoise and crept up in Dryope's lap. Then he transformed himself into a serpent, which scared the nymphs off, so he could be alone with Dryope.
  Not long after this Dryope married Andraemon, and she had a baby boy, Amphissus, who was born with an almost unnatural strength. As a young man he built a whole town, Oeta, and a temple to Apollo. When Dryope was praying in this temple one day the Hamadryades came and took her away.
  Where Dryope had stood the nymphs put a fountain and a poplar tree. Amphissus built a temple to the Hamadryades where women were not allowed, and games were held in their honour.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the In2Greece URL below.


Κόρη του Φύλαντα, μητέρα από τον Ηρακλή του Αντίοχου, επώνυμου μιας από τις αθηναϊκές φυλές (Παυσ. 1,5,2).

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