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Βιογραφίες (19)


Antipater of Tarsus

ΤΑΡΣΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Antipater (Antipatros). The author of a work Peri Psuches, " On the Soul", of which the second book is quoted by the Scholiast on Homer (II. l. 115. ), in which he said that the soul increased, diminished, and at last perished with the body; and which may very possibly be the work quoted by Diogenes Laertius (vii. 157), and commonly attributed to Antipater of Tarsus. If he be the physician who is said by Galen (De Meth. Med. i. 7) to have belonged to the sect of the Methodici, he must have lived in or after the first century B. C.; and this date will agree very well with the fact of his being quoted by Andromachus, Scribonius Largus, and Caelius Aurelianus. His prescriptions are frequently quoted with approbation by Galen and Aetius, and the second book of his " Epistles" is mentioned by Caelius Aurelianus.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks



Apollodorus OF Tarsus, a tragic poet, of whom Suidas and Eudocia (p. 61) mention six tragedies; but nothing further is known about him. There is ainother Apollodorus of Tarsus, who was probab)ly a grammarian, and wrote commentaries on the early dramatic writers of Greece. (Schol. ad Eurip. Med. 148, 169; Schol. ad Aristoph. Ran. 323, Plut. 535)


A tragic poet, whom Diogenes Laertius (iv. 58) describes as poietes tragoidias ton Tarsikon legomenon. Casaubon (De Sat. Poes. i. 5) remarks, that Diogenes by these words meant to describe a poet whose works bore the character of extempore poetry, of which the inhabitants of Tarsus were particularly fond (Strab. xiv.), and that Bion lived shortly before or at the time of Strabo. Suidas (s. v.Aischulos) mentions a son of Aeschylus of the name of Bion who was likewise a tragic poet; but nothing further is known about him.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Βόηθος, ελεγειογράφος, επιγραμματοποιός 1ος π.Χ.

Boethus, (Boethos), the author of an epigram in the Greek Anthology in praise of Pylades, a pantomime in the time of Augustus, was a native of Tarsus. Strabo (xiv.) describes him as a bad citizen and a bad poet, who gained the favour of Antony by some verses on the battle of Philippi, and was set by him over the gymnasium and public games in Tarsus. In this office he was guilty of peculation, but escaped punishment by flattering Antony. He was afterwards expelled from Tarsus by Athenodorus, with the approbation of Augustus.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Demetrius, of Tarsus, a poet who wrote Satyric dramas. (Diog. Laert. v. 85.) The name Tarsikos, which Diogenes applies to him, is believed by Casaubon (de Satyr. Poes., ed. Ramshorn) to refer to a peculiar kind of poetry rather than to the native place of Demetrius. Another Demetrius of Tarsus is introduced as a speaker in Plutarch's work " de Oraculorum Defectu," where he is described as returning home from Britain, but nothing further is known about him.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Dionysades. Of Tarsus, a tragic poet, was, according to Strabo (xiv.), the best of the poets in the " Tragic Pleiad " of the Alexandrian grammarians. (Fabric. ii.)


Ερμογένης, 2ος αι. μΧ

   A Greek rhetorician of Tarsus in Cilicia, who flourished in the middle of the second century A.D. He came to Rome as a rhetorician as early as his fifteenth year, and excited universal admiration, especially on the part of the emperor Marcus Aurelius. In his twenty-fourth year he lost his memory, and never recovered it, though he lived to a great age. After his death his heart is said to have been found to be covered with hair. His work on rhetoric, which still exists, enjoyed a remarkable popularity, and was for a long time the principal text-book of rhetoric; it was also epitomized, and was the subject of numerous commentaries. The work itself consists of five sections: (i.) On points at issue in legal causes; (ii.) On the art of discovering arguments; (iii.) On the various forms of oratorical style; (iv.) On political orations in particular, and on the art of eloquent and effective speaking; (v.) The last section consists of rhetorical exercises (Progumnasmata), which were cast into a fresh form by Aphthonius, and translated into Latin by Priscian, with the title Praeexercitamenta.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Hermogenes. One of the most celebrated Greek rhetoricians. He was a son of Calippus and a native of Tarsus, and lived in the reign of the emperor M. Aurelius, A. D. 161--180. He bore the surname of xuster, that is, the scratcher or polisher, either with reference to his vehement temperament, or to the great polish which he strongly recommended as one of the principal requisites in a written composition. He was, according to all accounts, a man endowed with extraordinary talents; for at the age of fifteen he had already acquired so great a reputation as an orator. that the emperor M. Amelius desired to hear him, and admired and richly rewarded him for his wonderful talent. Shortly after this he was appointed public teacher of rhetoric, and at the age of seventeen he began his career as a writer, which unfortunately did not last long, for at the age of twenty-five he fell into a mental debility, which rendered him entirely unfit for further literary and intellectual occupation, and of which he never got rid, although he lived to an advanced age; so that he was a man in the time of his youth, and a child during his maturer years. After his death his heart is said to have been found covered with hair. (Philostr. Vit. Soph. ii. 7; Suid. Hesych. s. v. Hermogenes; Eudoc; Schol. ad Hermog. peri staseon, in Olearius's note on Philostr. l. c.) If we may judge from what Hermogenes did at so early an age, there can be little doubt that he would have far excelled all other Greek rhetoricians, if he had remained in the full possession of his mental powers. His works, five in number, which are still extant, form together a complete system of rhetoric, and were for a long time used in all the rhetorical schools as manuals. Many distinguished rhetoricians and grammarians wrote commentaries upon them, some of which are still extant; many also made abridgments of the works of Hermogenes, for the use of schools, and the abridgment of Aphthonius at length supplanted the original in most schools. The works of Hermogenes are:
(1.) Techne rhetorike peri ton staseon, was composed by the author at the age of eighteen, and on the principles laid down by Hennagoras. The work treats of the points and questions which an orator, in civil cases, has to take into his consideration; it examines every one separately, and thence deduces the rules which a speaker has to observe. (See the whole reduced to a tabular view in Westermann's Gesch. der Griech. Beredtsamkeit) The work is a very useful guide to those who prepare themselves for speaking in the courts of Justice. We still possess the commentaries which were written upon it by Syrianus, Sosipater, and Marcellinus. It is printed in the Rhetores of Aldus, vol. i., and has been edited separately at Paris (1530 and 1538, 4to. ex off. Wechelii), by J. Caselius (Rostock, 1583, 8vo.), E. Sturm (Argentorat. 1570, with a Latin transl. and scholia), G. Laurentius (Col. Allobrog. 1614, 8vo.), and M. Corales (Venice, 1799, 4to.). The extant scholia are printed in Walz, Rhetor. Graec. vols. iv. vi. and vii.
(2.) Peri heureseos (De Inventione), in four books, contains instructions about the proper composition of an oration, discussing first the introduction, then the plan of the whole, viz. the exposition of the subject, the argumentation, the refutation of objections that may be raised, and lastly, on the oratorical ornament and delivery. Every point which Hermogenes discusses is illustrated, as in the preceding work, by examples taken from the Attic orators, which greatly enhance the clearness and utility of the treatise. It is printed in Aldus's Rhetores, in the editions of G. Laurentius, Wechel, and Sturm, mentioned above, but best in Walz's Rhetor. Graec. vol. iii. We still possess scholia on the work by an anonymous commentator, printed in Aldus s Rhetores, vol. ii.
(3.) Peri ideon (De Formis Oratorus), in two books, treats of the forms of the oratorical style, of which Hermogenes distinguishes seven, viz. sapheneia, megethos. kallos, gorgotes, ethos, aletheia, deinotes, and their subdivisions; he examines them from eight different points of view, and shows how by a skilful application of them the orator is most sure of gaining his end. In this discussion, too, every point is illustrated by examples, chiefly from tile orators, accompanied by some very ingenious remarks. The work is printed in the editions of Aldus and Laurentius, and separately at Paris, 1531, 4to., and with a Lat. transl. and notes by Sturm, Argentorat, 1571, 8vo. The best edition is that in Walz, Rhet. Graeci, vol. iii., who has also published the Greek commentaries by Syrianus and Joh. Siceliota (vols. vi. and vii. Comp. Spengel, Sunagoge tech.)
(4.) Peri methodou deinotetos (De apto et solerti genere dicendi Methodus), forms a sort of appendix to the preceding work, and contains suggestions for the proper application of the rules there laid down, together with other useful remarks. It is printed in the editions of Aldus, Wechel, Laurentius, Sturm, and best in Walz's Rhet. Graec. vol. iii., who has also published the Greek commentaries by Gregorius Corinthius (vol. vii.). The work is said to have been left unfinished by the author, and to have been completed by two later rhetoricians, Minucianus and Apsines. (Matth. Camariota, Compend. Rhet., ed. Hoeschel, Augsburg, 1594, 4to.)
(5.) Progumnasmata, that is, practical instructions in oratory according to given models. A very convenient abridgment of this work was made by Aphthonius, in consequence of which the original fell into oblivion. But its great reputation in antiquity is attested by the fact, that the learned grammarian, Priscian, made a Latin translation of it, with some additions of his own, under the title of Praeexercitamenta Rhetorica ex Hermogene. (Putschius, Gram. Lat. p. 1329, &c.; Fr. Pithoeus, Rhetor. Lat.) This Latin version of Priscian was for a long time the only edition of the Progymnasmata, until the Greek original was found in a MS. at Turin, from which it was published by Heeren in the Biblioth. fur alte Lit. und Kunst, parts viii. and ix. (Gottingen, 1791), and by Ward in the Classical Journal, parts v.--viii. A separate edition was published by G. Veesenmeyer, Nurnberg, 1812, 8vo. It is also contained in Krehl's edition of Priscian, vol. ii., but best in Walz's Rhetor. Graec. vol. i., who has collated six other MSS. besides the Turin one.
   Some of the works of Hermogenes are lost, such as a commentary on Demosthenes (eis Demosthenen hupomnemata, Syrian. ad Hermog. Proleg. ad Ideas, ed. Spengel), of which a work on the Leptinea, to which Hermogenes himself alludes (De Method. 24), may have been only a part. Another work, which is likewise lost, was entitled sungramma peri prooimiou. (Schol. in Hermog. ap. Walz, vol. iv., ap. Aldum, ii.) Suidas and Eudocia further mention a work of Hermogenes in two books, Peri koiles Surias, which is not noticed anywhere else, and of which no trace has come down to us.
   All the extant works of Hermogenes bear strong marks of the youthful age of the author; for it is clear that his judgment and his opinions have not yet become settled; he has not the consciousness of a main of long experience, and his style is rather diffuse, but always clear and unaffected. He is moderate in his judgment and censure of other rhetoricians, has a correct appreciation of the merits of the earlier Greek orators, and every where shows symptoms of a most careful study of the ancients. These excellencies, which at once place him on a level with the most distinguished teachers of rhetoric, are reasons enough to make us regret that his brilliant career was cut off so early and so fatally. (Comp. Westermann; Gesch. der Griech. Beredtsamkeit, § 95; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vi.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Αγνων, 2ος αιώνας π.Χ.

Αθηνόδωρος Κορδυλίων, 1ος αιώνας π.Χ.

Athenodorus, of Tarsus, a Stoic philosopher, surnamed Cordylio, who was keeper of the library at Pergamus, and afterwards removed to Rome, where he lived with M. Cato, at whose house he died.

Athenodorus, surnamed Cordylio (Kordulion), a Stoic philosopher, born at Tarsus. He was the keeper of the library at Pergamus, and in his anxiety to preserve the doctrines of his sect in their original purity, used to cut out from the works of the Stoic writers such parts as appeared to him erroneous or inconsistent. He removed from Pergamus to Rome, and lived with M. Cato, at whose house he died (Strab. xiv.; Diog. Laert. vii. 34; Plut. Cat. Min. 10; Senec. de Tranquill. Animi, c. 3, Ep. x. 4).


Dioscorides, the father of Zeno of Tarsus, the Stoic, who succeeded Chrysippus. The latter dedicated to Dioscorides several of his works, as we learn from Diogenes (vii. 190, 193, 198, 200, 202) and Suidas (s. v. Zenon).

Αθηνόδωρος, στωικός 1ος αιώνας π.Χ.

   (Athenodoros). Of Tarsus, a Stoic philosopher, surnamed Cananites, from Cana, in Cilicia, the birthplace of his father. He taught at Apollonia in Epirus, where the young Octavius (subsequently the emperor Augustus) was one of his disciples. He accompanied the latter to Rome, and became one of his intimate friends. On one occasion he is said to have advised the emperor always to repeat the letters of the Greek alphabet before giving way to any impulse of anger.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Athenodorus, a Stoic philosopher, surnamed Cananites (Kananites) from Cana in Cilicia, the birthplace of his father, whose name was Sandon. Athenodorus was himself a native of Tarsus. It is the same person probably whom Cicero (ad Att. xvi. 11) calls Athenodorus Calvus. In Rhodes he became acquainted with Posidonius, by whom probably he was instructed in the doctrines of the Stoics. He afterwards went to Apollonia, where he taught, and attracted the notice of Octavianus, whom he followed to Rome. He stood high in the favour of the emperor, and was permitted to offer him advice, which he did on some occasions with considerable freedom (Dion Cass. lii. 36, lvi. 43; Zonaras). Zosimus (i. 6) tells us, that the government of Augustus became milder in consequence of his attending to the advice of Athenodorus. The young Claudius was placed under his instruction. (Suet. Claud. 4.) In his old age he returned to Tarsus, which was at that time misgoverned by Boehus, a favourite of Antonius. Athenodorus procured his expulsion and that of his party, and restored order. Through his influence with Augustus, he procured for his native city a remission of the vectigalia. He died at the age of eighty-two, and his memory was honoured by an annual festival and sacrifice (Strab. xiv; Lucian, Macrob. 21; Cic. ad Fam. iii. 7, ad Att. xvi. 14). He was the author of a work against the Categories of Aristotle (Porphyr. in Categ.; Simplic. Categ.; Stobaeus, Serm. 33) attributed by some to Athenodorus Cordylio; of an account of Tarsus (Steph. Anchiale); of a work addressed to Octavia (Plut. Puplic. 17); of one peri spoudes kai raideias (Athen. xii.); of a work called Peripatoi (Diog. Laert. iii. 3, v. 36), and of some others.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Αντίπατρος, στωικός, 2ος αιώνας π.Χ.

Antipater (Antipatros, )of Tarsus, a Stoic philosopher, was the disciple and successor of Diogenes and the teacher of Panaetius, B. C. 144 nearly (Cic. de Divin. i. 3, de Off. iii. 12). Plutarch speaks of him with Zeno, Cleanthes, and Chrysippus, as one of the principal Stoic philosophers (de Stoic. Repugnant.), and Cicero mentions him as remarkable for acuteness (De Off. iii. 12). Of his personal history nothing is known, nor would the few extant notices of his philosophical opinions be a sufficient ground for any great reputation, if it were not for the testimony of ancient authors to his merit. He seems to have taken the lead during his lifetime in the disputes constantly recurring between his own school and the Academy, although he is said to have felt himself so unequal in argument to his contemporary Carneades, in public disputation, that he confined himself to writing; whence he was called kalamoboas (Plut. Mor.; Euseb. de Praep. Evang. xiv. 8). He taught belief in God as "a Being blessed, incorruptible, and of goodwill to men", and blamed those who ascribed to the gods "generation and corruption", which is said to have been the doctrine of Chrysippus (Plut. de Stoic. Rep.). Besides this treatise "on the gods", he also wrote two books on Divination, a common topic among the Stoics, in which he proved the truth of the science from the foreknowledge and benevolence of the Deity, explained dreams to be supernatural intimations of the future, and collected stories of divination attributed to Socrates (Cic. de Divin. i. 3, 20, 39, 54). He is said to have believed that Fate was a god, though it is not clear what was implied in this expression (Stob. de Fato, 16); and it appears from Athenaeus that he wrote a treatise entitled Peri Deisidaimonias. Of his labours in moral philosophy nothing remains but a few scattered notices, just sufficient to shew that the science had begun to decline; the questions which are treated being points of detail, and such as had more to do with the application of moral precepts than with the principles themselves: such as they were, however, he took higher ground in solving them than his master Diogenes (Cic. de Off. iii. 12, 13, 23).

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Αρχέδημος, στωικός 200-140 π.Χ.

Archedemus of Tarsus, a Stoic philosopher (Strab. xiv. p. 674; Diog. Laert. vii. 40, 68,84, 88), two of whose works, Peri Phones and Peri Stoicheion, are mentioned by Diogenes LaΓ«rtius. (vii. 55, 134.) he is probably the same person as the Archedemus, whom Plutarch (de Exsilio) calls an Athenian, and who, he states, went into the country of the Parthians and left behind him the Stoic succesion at Iabhylon. Archedemus is also mentioned by Cicero (Acad. Quaest. ii. 47), Seneca (Epist. 121), and other ancient writers.


Crates (Krates), of Tarsus, an Academic philosopher, is expressly distinguished by Diogenes Laertius (ii. 114, 117) from Crates of Athens, with whom he has been often confounded.


Diogenes. Of Tarsus, an Epicurean philosopher, who is described by Strabo (xiv.) as a person clever in composing extenpore tragedies. He was the author of several works, which, however, are lost. Among them are mentioned : 1. Epilektoi scholai, which was probably a collection of essays or dissertations on philosophical subjects. (Diog. Laert. x. 26, with Menage's note.) 2. An abridgement of the Ethics of Epicurus (epitome ton Epikourou ethikon zetematon), of which Diogenes Laertius (x. 118) quotes the 12th book. 3. Peri poietikon zetematon, that is, on poetical problems, which he endeavoured to solve, and which seem to have had especial reference to the Homeric poems. (Diog. Laert. vi. 81.) Further particulars are not known about him, though Gassendi (de Vit. Epicur. ii. 6) represents him as a disciple of Demetrius the Laconian.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Herodotus. The son of Arieus, a native either of Tarsus or Philadelphia, who probably belonged to the sect of the Empirici. He was a pupil of Menodotus, and tutor to Sextus Empiricus, and lived therefore in the former half of the second century after Christ. (Suidas, s. v. Sexstos; Diog. Laert. ix.116.)

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