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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 16 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Τοπωνύμια  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΕΥΒΟΙΑ Νησί ΕΛΛΑΔΑ" .

Τοπωνύμια (16)



Χώριζε την Εύβοια από τη Βοιωτία (Παυσ. 9,19,6).


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Perseus Project Index. Total results on 25/7/2001: 99 for Euripus, 32 for Euripos.



  Cenaeum (Kenaion: Lithadha), a promontory of Euboea, forming the north-western extremity of the island, and opposite the Malic gulf. On this promontory was a temple of Zeus, who was hence called Cenaeus. (Strab. x. pp. 444, 446; Thuc. iii. 93; Ptol. iii. 15. § 23; Plin. iv. 12. s. 21; Liv. xxxvi. 20; Hom. Hymn. in Apoll. 219; Soph. Trach. 238, 753; Ov. Met. ix. 136.)

Αρχαία τοπωνύμια

Artemisium promontory

Artemisium (Artemision). The name of the northern coast and of a promontory of Euboea, immediately opposite the Thessalian Magnesia, so called from the temple of Artemis Proseoa, belonging to the town of Histiaea. It was off this coast that the Grecian fleet fought with the fleet of Xerxes, B.C. 480. (Herod. vii. 175, viii. 8; Plut. Them. 7; Diod. xi. 12.)

Erasinus river

ΕΡΕΤΡΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΥΒΟΙΑ
And another river of the same name flows from Arcadia to the coast near Bura; and there is another Erasinus in the territory of Eretria, and still another in Attica near Brauron.


A place on the coast of Euboea near Eretria


Part of district of Eretria.

Κοίλα της Εύβοιας

Λέγεται η περιοχή από την Αυλίδα μέχρι τη Γεραιστό, το Ν ακρωτήρι του νησιού, λόγω του ότι η παραλία έκανε κοιλιά (Στράβ. Ι,2).

Cereus and Neleus rivers

There are now two rivers in Euboea, the Cereus and the Neleus; and the sheep which drink from one of them turn white, and from the other black.

Cotylaeum mountain

ΕΥΒΟΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΥΒΟΙΑ
  (Kotulaion), a mountain in Euboea, at the foot of which Tamynae was situated. (Aeschin. in Ctesiph. p. 480; Steph. B. s. v.)

Budorus River

Cerinthus, a small city by the sea; and near it is the Budorus River, which bears the same name as the mountain in Salamis which is close to Attica.

Myrtoan Sea

But when Pelops learned that from her, he threw Myrtilus into the sea, called after him the Myrtoan Sea, at Cape Geraestus ; and Myrtilus, as he was being thrown, uttered curses against the house of Pelops.

Αιγίλια, νησί

ΣΤΥΡΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΥΒΟΙΑ
Aegilia or Aegileia (Aighileia, a small island off the western coast of Euboea, and near the town of Styra, to which it belonged. Here the Persians left the captive Eretrians, before they crossed over to Marathon, B.C. 490. (Herod. vi. 101, 107.)

Arethusa fountain

ΧΑΛΚΙΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΥΒΟΙΑ
A fountain close to Chalcis in Euboea, which was sometimes disturbed by volcanic agency. Dicaearchus says that its water was so abundant as to be sufficient to supply the whole city with water. (Dicaearch. Bios tes Hellados, p. 146, ed. Fuhr; Strab. i. p. 58, x. p. 449; Eurip. Iphig. in Aul. 170; Plin. iv. 12.) There were tame fish kept in this fountain. (Athen. viii. p. 331, e. f.) Leake says that this celebrated fountain has now totally disappeared. (Northern Greece, vol. ii. p. 255.)

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