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Mythology (9)

Ancient myths

Procne & Philomela

DAVLIS (Ancient city) VIOTIA
Philomela: Daughter of Pandion, outraged by Tereus, changed into swallow. Procne: Daughter of Pandion by Zeuxippe, wife of Tereus, brings image of Athena from Athens to Daulis, kills her son Itys, and serves him up to Tereus, pursued by Tereus and turned into a nightingale, Procne and Philomela transformed into swallow and nightingale.


Son of Tereus and Procne, murdered by Procne and Philomela and served up by his mother to his father.

Historic figures

The Nymph Daulis

Nymph, daughter of Cephisus.


Tereus & Procne

Tereus. A son of Ares and king of the Thracians in Daulis. He afterwards reigned in Phocis. Pandion, king of Attica, who had two daughters, Philomela and Procne, called in the assistance of Tereus against some enemy, and gave him his daughter Procne in marriage. Tereus became by her the father of Itys, and then concealed her in the country, that he might dishonour her sister Philomela, whom he deceived by saying that Procne was dead. At the same time he deprived Philomela of her tongue. Philomela, however, soon learned the truth, and made it known to her sister by a few words which she wove into a peplus. Procne thereupon killed her own son Itys, and served up the flesh of the child in a dish before Tereus. She then fled with her sister. Tereus pursued them with an axe, and when the sisters were overtaken they prayed to the gods to change them into birds. Procne, accordingly, became a nightingale, Philomela a swallow, and Tereus a hoopoe. According to some, Procne became a swallow, Philomela a nightingale, and Tereus a hawk. It is clear that this story is a development of the older myth about Aedon, daughter of Pandareus, and that the plaintive song of the nightingale had much to do with its origin.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Procne (Prokne). A daughter of the Athenian king Pandion and Zeuxippe, sister of Philomela. She was given in marriage by her father to the Thracian prince Tereus, in Daulis near Parnassus, in return for assistance given him in war. Tereus became by her the father of Itys. Pretending that his wife Procne was dead, Tereus brought her sister Philomela from Athens, and ravished her on the way. He then cut out her tongue that she might be unable to inform against him, and concealed her in a grove on Parnassus; but the unfortunate girl contrived to inform her sister of what had happened by a robe, into which she ingeniously wove the story of her fate. Taking the opportunity of a feast of Dionysus in Parnassus, Procne went in quest of her sister, and agreed with her on a bloody revenge. They slew the boy Itys, and served him up to his father to eat. When Tereus learned the outrage, and was on the point of slaying the sisters, the gods changed him into a hoopoe or hawk, Procne into a nightingale, and Philomela into a swallow, or (according to another version) Procne into a swallow, and Philomela into a nightingale.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Tereus and Procne, Prokne : Perseus Project

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