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Destinations Guide


Information on the area

Useful Information (1)


Police Department of Arna

Tel: +30 27310 76295

Various locations (1)

Historical place-names

Cave of Kolokotroni

Information about the place (1)

Non-profit organizations WebPages

Archaeological sites (1)

Ancient tombs

There was found a Mycenaean vaulted tomb at the place Arkina near the village. It probably belonged to the Mynians or the Boeotians who set out from Boeotia and invaded Sparta. What is more, findings of all ages, and especially earthen pots, were found in several places at «Spartias», between Arna and Arkina. It turns out from these findings that this place had always been a junction of the road that led from Sparta to Messenia..

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Arna Community

Tel: +30 27310 76225
Fax: +30 27310 76225

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