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POLIOCHNI (MOL), Prehistoric settlement, LEMNOS (LIMNOS)

Information on the area

Archaeological sites (3)

Prehistoric settlements


  In the Eastern side of the island in the location Voroskopos near the village Kaminia, the neolithic settlement of Poliohni is found. It was discovered by the Italian Archaeological Faculty of Athens in the summertime of 1930. It is about a big part of a settlement of the Precocious Era of Copper, with a lot of phases of architectural and cultural growth that cover entire the 3rd B.C. millenary. The excavations symbolized each architectural phase with a separate colour distinguishing seven periods in total, the last ones of which coincide with corresponding from Troia across. Poliohni is considered to be the first constituted settlement of Europe. With barns and the first (worldwide) space of aggregation and consultation (chamber of deputies).

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Municipality of Moudros URL below.



  A rectangular building with a double row of stepped seats on the long sides, at the southwest side of the hill of Poliochni.
  It dates back to prehistoric times (Early Bronze Age), around 3000 and 2100 BC. It was presumably used as a kind of "Bouleuterion". According to italian archaeologists, who were in charge of the excavations in the area, the "Bouleuterion" at Poliochni served as a meeting-place for the "notables", the representatives of the families of the settlement. They got together to work on the problems of this early community.
  According to the archaeologists mentioned above, the "Bouleuterion" of Poliochni represents the earliest evidence of Democracy on european ground.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Foundation of the Hellenic World URL below.

Archaeological research of the location by: (1)

Archaeological Service WebPage

Italian Archaeological School at Athens

Tel: +30 210 9239163, 9214024
Fax: +30 210 9220908

Archaeological findings (1)


Poliochni's treasure

  A treasure of gold jewelry belongs to one of the last phases of the settlement. It was found hidden in a vase and consists of rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces. Some of the artifacts were found entire, others were broken. All of them are similar to those of the so-called Priam's Treasure, revealed in Troy, which lies exactly opposite Poliochni, in Asia Minor.
This text (extract) is cited June 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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