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Destinations Guide


Information on the area

Places of worship (3)


Monastery of Panagia Kosmosoteira

In Feres, 29-km to the northeast of Alexandroupolis and next to the river Evros, is the Byzantine City Vera located. The city is closely related to the emperor Isaac Komnenos. In the years 1151- 1152 he built the Cosmosotera monastery and then he abounded the cosmic life. Nowadays only the central shrine is saved, which is one of the best samples of Komninian architecture, and parts from three of the six towers. In the inside of the monastery you can see brilliant wall paintings from the Komnenean period, which are presenting the art of Konstantinoples. In the yard of the fane you can see marble architectural.

This extract is cited Sept 2003 from the Development Company of Alexandroupolis URL below, which contains image.


Panagia Eleftherotria

Sights (2)


Open Air Theatre


Great Fountain

Biographies (1)

Related to the place

Isaakios Komninos

1093 - 1152
  Third son of the emperor Alexios I Komninos and Irini Douka, he received from his father the title of caesar and was elevated to the rank of sevastokrator (prince) by his brother, emperor Ioannis II. Aspiring to usurp his brother’s throne, he plotted with state officials and all the enemies of Byzantium (Muslims, Armenians and Latins) while he was in exile. During his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he had built at his own expense an aqueduct to the monastery of St. John the Baptist near the Jordan river. With the sudden death of Ioannis II, Isaakios asserted his right to the throne over that of the legitimate heirs, Isaakios and Manouil, without success. He married a certain Irini, with whom he had two sons and two daughters. With the appearance of the first symptoms of a fatal illness (1150) his thirst for power ceased. In 1151/2 he founded and endowed the large monastery of the Virgin Kosmosoteira at Vira with his immense estates at Ainos. And there he was buried despite having prepared a luxurious tomb in the narthex of the Monastery of Chora in Constantinople. He also drew up the book of rules and regulations (Typikon) for the Kosmosoteira monastery, the text of which has survived to this day. The figure of St. Merkourios in a fresco decorating the monastery church is thought to be his portrait.

This text is cited Apr 2003 from the Thracian Electronic Thesaurus URL below, of Democritus University of Thrace

Festivals and fairs (3)


Panagia Cosmosoteira

14/8 - 15/8

Trade Fairs

The Holy Cross

13/9 - 14/9


Shrove Monday

Useful Information (1)


Police Department of Feres

Tel: +30 25550 22100, 23333

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Feres Community

Tel: +30 25550 22211

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