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Homeric world (3)


The land of the Thesprotians

EPIRUS (Ancient country) GREECE
Homer calls Epeirus "the land of the Thesprotians", who lived around Dodona under the rule of the king Pheidon, who entertained Odysseus, when he visited the oracle of Dodona in order to learn the willing of Zeus (Od. 14.316-327).



He was the king of Epirus, who maimed men and threw them to the dogs (Od. 18.85 & 116, 21.308).

Echetus, (Echetos), a cruel king of Epeirus, who was the terror of all mortals. He was a son of Euchenor and Phlogea. His daughter, Metope or Amphissa, who had yielded to the embraces of her lover Aechmodicus, was blinded by her father, and Aechmodicus was cruelly mutilated. Echetus further gave his daughter iron barleycorns, promising to restore her sight, if she would grind them into flour. (Hom. Od. xviii. 83, &c., xxi. 307 ; Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1093; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1839.)

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