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Εμφανίζονται 17 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΛΑΥΡΕΩΤΙΚΗ Δήμος ΑΤΤΙΚΗ, ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (17)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


ΑΖΗΝΙΑ (Αρχαίος δήμος) ΑΤΤΙΚΗ
Azenia, the only demus mentioned by Strabo (l. c.) between Anaphlystus and Sunium. (Harpocr.; Hesych.; Steph.; Bekker, Anecd. i. p. 348.) It was probably situated in the bay of which Sunium forms the eastern cape. Opposite this bay is a small island, now called Gaidharonisi, formerly the Island or Rampart of Patroclus (Patroklou charax or nesos), because a fortress was built upon it by Patroclus, who commanded on one occasion the ships of Ptolemy Philadelphus. (Strab. l. c.; Paus. i. 1. § 1; Steph. s. v. Patroklou nesos.) Ten miles to the south of this island, at the entrance of the Saronic gulf, is Belbina, now St. George, which was reckoned to belong to Peloponnesus, though it was nearer the coast of Attica.

This extract is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Amphitrope, north of Besa and in the district of the mines, placed by Stuart at Metropisti. (Bockh, Inscr. No. 162; Steph.; Hesych.)


ΒΗΣΑ (Αρχαίος δήμος) ΛΑΥΡΕΩΤΙΚΗ
Besa, situated in the mining district, midway between Anaphlystus and Thoricus (Xen. Vect. 4. 43, 44), and 300 stadia from Athens. (Isaeus, de Pyrrh. Her., Steph.). Xenophon recommended the erection of a fortress at Besa, which would thus connect the two fortresses situated respectively at Anaphlystus and Thoricus. Strabo (ix.) says that the name of this demus was written with one s, which is confirmed by inscriptions.

Patroklou Nesos

Patroklou Nesos, a small island off the southern coast of Attica, west of the promontory Sunium, so called from Patroclus, one of the generals of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who was sent by this king to assist the Athenians against the Macedonians, and who built a fortress in the island. It is now called Gaidharonisi.


ΛΑΥΡΙΟΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΤΤΙΚΗ
Laurium, Laureion, Laurion, Adj. Lauriotikos (hence hai glaukes Lauriotikai, Aristoph. Av. 1106, silver coins, with the Athenian figure of an owl). A range of hills in the south of Attica, celebrated for their silver mines. These hills are not high, and are covered for the most part with trees and brushwood. The name is probably derived from the shafts which were sunk for obtaining the ore, since Laura in Greek signifies a street or lane, and laureion would therefore mean a place formed of such lanes,--i. e., a mine of shafts, cut as it were into streets, like a catacomb. The mining district extended a little way north of Sunium to Thoricus, on the eastern coast. Its present condition is thus described by Mr. Dodwell : - One hour from Thorikos brought us to one of the ancient shafts of the silver mines; and a few hundred yards further we came to several others, which are of a square form, and cut in the rock. We observed only one round shaft, which was larger than the others, and of considerable depth, as we conjectured, from the time that the stones, which were thrown in, took to reach the bottom. Near this are the foundations of a large round tower, and several remains of ancient walls, of regular construction. The traces are so extensive, that they seem to indicate, not only the buildings attached to the mines, but the town of Laurium itself, which was probably strongly fortified, and inhabited principally by the people belonging to the mines. Some modern writers doubt whether there was a town of the name of Laurium; but the grammarians (Suidas and Photius) who call Laurium a place (topos) in Attica appear to have meant something more than a mountain; and Dodwell is probably correct in regarding the ruins which he describes as those of the town of Laurium. Near these ruins Dodwell observed several large heaps of scoria scattered about, Dr. Wordsworth, in passing along the shore from Sunium to Thoricus, observes:--The ground which we tread is strewed with rusty heaps of scoria from the silver ore which once enriched the soil. On our left is a hill, called Score, so named from these heaps of scoria, with which it is covered. Here the shafts which have been sunk for working the ore are visible. The ores of this district have been ascertained to contain lead as well as silver. This confirms the emendations of a passage in the Aristotelian Oeconomies proposed by Bockh and Wordsworth, where, instead of Turion in Puthokles Athenaios Athenaiois sunebouleuse ton molnbdon ton ek ton Turion paralambanein, Bockh suggests gests Laurion, and Wordsworth argurion, which ought rather to be agureion, as Mr. Lewis observes.
  The name of Laurium is preserved in the corrupt form of Legrana or Alegrana, which is the name of a metokhi of the monastery of Mendeli.
  The mines of Laurium, according to Xenophon (de Vectig. iv. 2), were worked in remote antiquity; and there can be no doubt that the possession of a large supply of silver was one of the main causes of the early prosperity of Athens. They are alluded to by Aeschylus (Pers. 235) in the line-- argurou pege tis autois eoti, thesanros chthonos.
  They were the property of the state, which sold or let for a long term of years, to individuals or companies, particular districts, partly in consideration of a sum or fine paid down, partly of a reserved rent equal to one twenty-fourth of the gross produce. Shortly before the Persian wars there was a large sum in the Athenian treasury, arising out of the Laurian mines, from which a distribution of ten drachmae a head was going to be made among the Athenian citizens, when Themistocles persuaded them to apply the money to the increase of their fleet. (Herod. vii. 144; Plut. Them. 4.) Bockh supposes that the distribution of ten drachmae a head, which Themistocles persuaded the Athenians to forego, was made annually, from which he proceeds to calculate the total produce of the mines. But it has been justly observed by Mr. Grote, that we are not authorised to conclude from the passage in Herodotus that all the money received from the mines was about to be distributed ; nor moreover is there any proof that there was a regular annual distribution. In addition to which the large sum lying in the treasury was probably derived from the original purchase money paid down, and not from the reserved annual rent.
  Even in the time of Xenophon (Mem. iii. 6. § 12) the mines yielded much less than at an early period; and in the age of Philip, there were loud complaints of unsuccessful speculations in mining. In the first century of the Christian era the mines were exhausted, and the old scoriae were smelted a second time. (Strab. ix.) In the following century Laurium is mentioned by Pausanias (i. 1), who adds that it had once been the seat of the Athenian silver mines.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Potamus Kathyperthen

Potamus (Potamos or Potamoi), the name of two demi, as appears from an inscription quoted by Ross (p. 92), though apparently only one place. It lay on the east coast north of Thoricus, and was once a populous place: it was celebrated as containing the sepulchre of Ion. (Strab. ix. pp, 398, 399; Paus. i. 31. § 2, vii. i. § 2; Plin. iv. 7. s. 11; Suid.; Harpocr.) Its harbour was probably the modern Dhaskalio; and the demus itself is placed by Leake at the ruins named Paleokastro or Evreokastro, situated on a height surrounded by torrents two miles to the south-west of Dhaskalio, a little to the south of the village Dardheza. The port Dhaskalio was probably, as Leake observes, the one which received the Peloponnesian fleet in B.C. 411. (Thuc. viii. 95.)

Potamus (Potamos or Potamoi), the name of two demi, as appears from an inscription quoted by Ross (p. 92), though apparently only one place. It lay on the east coast north of Thoricus, and was once a populous place: it was celebrated as containing the sepulchre of Ion. (Strab. ix. pp, 398, 399; Paus. i. 31. § 2, vii. i. § 2; Plin. iv. 7. s. 11; Suid.; Harpocr.) Its harbour was probably the modern Dhaskalio; and the demus itself is placed by Leake at the ruins named Paleokastro or Evreokastro, situated on a height surrounded by torrents two miles to the south-west of Dhaskalio, a little to the south of the village Dardheza. The port Dhaskalio was probably, as Leake observes, the one which received the Peloponnesian fleet in B.C. 411. (Thuc. viii. 95.)


  Sunium (Sounion: Eth. Sounieus), the name of a promontory and demus on the southern coast of Attica. The promontory, which forms the most southerly point in the country, rises almost perpendicularly from the sea to a great height, and was crowned with a temple of Athena, the tutelary goddess of Attica. (Paus. i. 1. § 1; Sounion hiron, Hom. Od. iii. 278; Soph. Ajax, 1235; Eurip. Cycl. 292; Vitruv. iv. 7). Sunium was fortified in the nineteenth year of the Peloponnesian War (B.C. 413) for the purpose of protecting the passage of the cornships to Athens (Thuc. viii. 4), and was regarded from that time as one of the principal fortreses of Attica (Comp. Dem. pro Cor. p. 238; Liv. xxxi. 25; Scylax, p. 21.) Its proximity to the silver mines of Laurium probably contributed to its prosperity, which passed into a proverb (Anaxand. ap. Athen. vi. p. 263, c.); but even in the time of Cicero it had sunk into decay (ad Att. xiii. 10). The circuit of the walls may still be traced, except where the precipitous nature of the rocks afforded a natural defence. The walls which are fortified with square towers, are of the most regular Hellenic masonry, and enclose a space or a little more than half a mile in circumference. The southern part of Attica, extending northwards from the promontory of Sunium as far as Thoricus on the east, and Anaphlystus on the west, is called by Herodotus the Suniac angle (ton gounon ton Souniakon, iv. 99). Though Sunium was especially sacred to Athena, we learn from Aristophanes (Equit. 557, Aves, 869) that Poseidon was also worshipped there.
  The promontory of Sunium is now called Cape Kolonnes, from the ruins of the temple of Athena which still crown its summit. Leake observes that the temple was a Doric hexastyle; but none of the columns of the fronts remain. The original number of those in the flanks is uncertain; but there are still standing nine columns of the southern, and three of the northern side, with their architraves, together with the two columns and one of the antae of the pronaus, also bearing their architraves. The columns of the peristyle were 3 feet 4 inches in diameter at the base, and 2 feet 7 inches under the capital, with an intercolumniation below of 4 feet 11 inches. The height, including the capital, was 19 feet 3 inches. The exposed situation of the building has caused a great corrosion in the surface of the marble, which was probably brought from the neighbouring mountains; for it is less homogeneous, and of a coarser grain, than the marble of Pentele. The walls of the fortress were faced with the same kind of stone. The entablature of the peristyle of the temple was adorned with sculpture, some remains of which have been found among the ruins. North of the temple, and nearly in a line with its eastern front, are foundations of the Propylaeum or entrance into the sacred peribolus: it was about 50 feet long and 30 broad, and presented at either end a front of two Doric columns between antae, supporting a pediment. The columns were 17 feet high, including the capital, 2 feet 10 inches in diameter at the base, with an opening between them of 8 feet 8 inches. (The Demi of Attica, p. 63, 2nd ed.) Leake remarks that there are no traces of any third building visible, and that we must therefore conclude that here, as in the temple of Athena Polias at Athens, Poseidon was honoured only with an altar. Wordsworth, however, remarks that a little to the NE. of the peninsula on which the temple stands is a conical hill, where are extensive vestiges of an ancient building, which may perhaps be the remains of the temple of Poseidon. (Athens and Attica, p. 207.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


ΛΑΥΡΙΟΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΤΤΙΚΗ
(Laurion and Laureion). A mountain in the south of Attica, a little north of the promontory Sunium, celebrated for its silver mines, which in early times were very productive, so that each Athenian citizen received ten drachmae ($1.60) annually; but in the time of Augustus they yielded nothing.

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Laurion. In antiquity, even as now, Laurion was understood as Attica's SE corner, the place of the silver mines, a clearly identified system of low hills stretching N from Cape Sounion for a distance of ca. 17 km. For most of this length, Laurion has a single backbone marked by a succession of peaks, the highest of which, Vigla Rimbari, located near the chain's midpoint, has a height of 372 m; but to the S, where it reaches a maximum width of 10 km, the system is divided by the Legraina valley. Along the E coast, other cultivatable valleys penetrate the hills, especially at Thorikos, where the low, flat land is large enough to constitute a small plain and, for millennia, to have helped support a settled community. Otherwise, most of Laurion's 200 sq. km is rugged and waterless, and would have given little to Athenian economy had it not been for the early discovery, particularly in the hills on its E side, of rich deposits of ore--mixed sulphides of lead, zinc, and iron--from the first of which silver could be profitably extracted.
  Exploitation of this mineral wealth may have begun as early as the Middle Helladic period, but the evidence admits of no assessment of the extent, or continuity, of the industry in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. By the archaic period, however, from the time of Peisistratos' tyranny (Hdt. 1.64) and with the issuance of Athens' silver coinage, the mines of Laurion had assumed political as well as economic significance. And in the 5th c. B.C. this importance increased with deeper mining and the discovery of the ore bodies of the "third contact" (Arist. Ath.Pol. 22.7). But progress was halted by the placing of the Spartan fort at Dekeleia in 413 B.C. (Thuc. 6.91 & 7.27), and recovery may have been slow, for Xenophon (Vect. 4) makes clear that even in the middle of the 4th c. the industry still needed encouragement. Despite this setback, the Classical period marks the heyday of the Laurion mines. Thereafter the story is one of decline, accompanied by a slave revolt (Ath. 6.272), and by Strabo's time men had ceased to go underground but were now reworking the slag-heaps (9.1.23). Even this activity is missing from Pausanias' description of the place as one where "the Athenians once had silver mines" (1.1.1).
  Of this ancient and extensive industry, particularly from the Classical period, the remains that survive throughout Laurion are almost beyond count, many still to be properly cleared and studied. A fair sample of them may be seen alongside any of the roads that serve the mining area: the mines themselves, some nothing more than a rudely hacked horizontal passage, others a complex system of deep galleries linked to the surface by well-cut shafts as much as 100 m deep; milling and washing establishments, the latter with nearby cisterns for the storage of water; furnaces (the excavation of a heavy-walled building containing a bank of them was begun in 1971 near Megala Peuka); slag and other waste; living quarters and cemeteries; roads and culverts. But to some Laurion did not mean only mining: there are also, in some less accessible places, instructive examples of farmhouses and marble quarries, in one of which one can see where column drums were removed. Finally, at the top of Vigla Rimbari there is a rubble enclosure wall, perhaps a direct answer to Xenophon's suggestion (Vect. 4.43-44) that the area needed a third stronghold, in addition to those at Anaphlystos and Thorikos, to protect in war one of the city-state's most valuable assets.

C.W.J. Eliot, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains 21 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.


  A rocky peninsula jutting into the sea at the S end of the region lies 69 km SE of Athens. It is famous for its classical marble temple which was built on the highest point of the cape and dedicated to the god Poseidon. It became the site of religious activities at least as early as 700 B.C. and in later times it was frequently used as a place of sanctuary by slaves who had run away from the nearby silver mines at Laurion. The earliest literary reference to the site occurs in the Odyssey (3.278) where it is said that Phrontis, Menelaus' pilot, was struck down by Apollo as he was passing the sacred cape; in the winter of 413-412 B.C. during the Peloponnesian War, it was fortified to protect the ships carrying corn to Athens (Thuc. 8.4); and later it was held by the slaves from the mines at Laurion during a civic unheaval (Posidonios, cited by Athenaeus, 6272ff).
   The marble Temple of Poseidon, built soon after the middle of the 5th c. B.C., is the main archaeological attraction of Sounion. Originally a colonnade encircled the pronaos, the cella, where the cult statue of Poseidon was placed, and the opisthodomos. Of the original colonnade, which had 6 columns across the facades and 13 along the sides, 2 columns still stand on the N and 9 along the S flank. These unusually thin columns are articulated by 16 flutes, rather than 20 the more common number. The lower two steps on which these columns stand are unusual in their variegated surface and the cavetto molding which undercuts the vertical raisers. One column still stands between the two antae of the pronaos; these are aligned with the third column of the colonnade, an unusual characteristic of this architect. Originally a sculptured frieze lined the four sides of the area in front of the pronaos. The frieze depicted the Battle of the Centaurs, the Battle of the Gods and Giants, and the deeds of Theseus. Several of the frieze blocks can be seen on the site resting against the fortification wall on the left as one approaches the temple. The pediments once held sculpture (no longer preserved) and the whole was crowned by floral akroteria. One of the akroteria, found almost complete, can be seen in the National Museum in Athens. The temple is built of coarse-grained marble from the nearby quarry of Agrileza. It was designed by the same architect who built the Temples of Hephaistos and Ares in Athens and the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous, as indicated by the design (for example the relationship of the porches to the lateral colonnade), proportions (the unusually thin columns combined with a heavy superstructure), dimensions, and style (the Ionic moldings and frieze). The Classical temple was constructed on top of the remains of an earlier unfinished temple made of poros limestone, begun in the early years of the 5th c. B.C. and destroyed by the Persians in 480. The foundations, steps, and scattered fragments of the columns and entablature of the earlier structure can be seen beneath the later one. Immediately to the S there is a small structure with partially preserved rubble walls which may have served as a temporary shrine after the destruction of the earlier temple and before the construction of the new one. The poros column drums that can be seen in its walls came from the earlier temple.
   Stoas (about which little is known) once lined the N and W sides of the sacred area. Next to the stoa on the N lay the entrance into the precinct. This gateway consisted of two Doric porches of unequal length separated by a gate wall pierced by three doorways. A ramp led through the central door, similar to the Propylaea in Athens, so that animals for sacrifice could be led into the sanctuary. Marble benches lined the two porches. Fragments of 17 early archaic kouroi were found in a deep pit E of the Temple of Poseidon. The statues were probably damaged by the Persians at the time they destroyed the earlier temple. Since they were sacred dedications, they could not be entirely discarded, and thus they were deposited in the pit to make way for newer, undamaged dedications. The best preserved of the statues are on exhibit in the National Museum of Athens.
   A fortification wall encircling the summit of the peninsula protected the inhabitants of the site. A few of the houses within the fortification have been excavated. They face onto a street roughly parallel to the N fortification wall and ca. 60 m distant from it. The houses were inhabited from the 5th c. B.C. to Roman times. The fortification wall can best be seen to the NE of the gateway. It is roughly 4 m thick, constructed of rubble masonry and faced with marble blocks. Square towers punctuated the wall at intervals of roughly 20 m. The fortifications were constructed toward the end of the 5th c. B.C.; during the Hellenistic period they were repaired and expanded. At this same time a ship-shed was constructed in a natural cove adjacent to the wall along the E side of the cape. A deep rectangular cutting ca. 21 m x 12 m can be seen extending inland from the sea. On the sloping floor of the cutting, two slipways were constructed to hold the ships; marble masonry originally surrounded the cutting and supported the roof.
   On the low hill N of the main sanctuary there is a smaller temenos dedicated to Athena. Foundations of two small Classical temples and an enclosing precinct wall can be seen here. The larger of the two temples was built soon after the middle of the 5th c. B.C. and dedicated to the goddess Athena. Contrary to the normal plan of Greek temples, the colonnade of this temple was placed only across the front and along one side leaving the rear and N side without columns. Originally there appear to have been 10 columns across the front or E side and 12 columns along the S side. A small pronaos led to the main room of the temple. The remains of the base for the cult statue and foundations for 4 columns lie within this room. The two marble slabs at the E end mark the position of the threshold. Fragments of Ionic unfluted columns and various moldings of local gray-blue marble from Agriliza were found on the site. Identical fragments have been found in the Agora in Athens; it would appear that during the reign of the Emperor Augustus in the 1st c. A.D. part of this temple was transported to Athens and reerected in or near the Agora. One of the better-preserved capitals is on display in the Agora Museum and two of the capitals are in the National Museum.
   To the N of the Athena Temple are the foundations of a smaller, later 5th c. B.C. temple. Foundations for the two columns which originally stood along the front, the marble threshold, the side and back walls made of local brown stone, and the blue Eleusinian base for the cult statue can be seen.
   In the area around Sounion remains of at least five farming establishments have been found. Their most prominent feature is a towerlike structure, which probably served to protect both the inhabitants of the farm and the farm goods during piratical raids.

I. M. Shear, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Sep 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains 54 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.



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Ονομα τριών δήμων στην ΝΑ πλευρά της Αττικής μεταξύ του Θορικού προς Βορρά και των Πρασσιών προς Νότο:1) Ποταμός Υπένερθεν 2) Ποταμός Κατύπερθεν 3) Ποταμός Δειραδιώτου ή Δειράδες.


Ονομα τριών δήμων στην ΝΑ πλευρά της Αττικής μεταξύ του Θορικού προς Βορρά και των Πρασσιών προς Νότο:1) Ποταμός Υπένερθεν 2) Ποταμός Καθύπερθεν 3) Ποταμός Δειραδιώτου ή Δειράδες

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