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Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Various locations  for wider area of: "KROTON Ancient city CALABRIA" .

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Ancient place-names


KROTON (Ancient city) CALABRIA
A river by Sybaris, Italian river beside Crotona.

Hylias river

   A river in Bruttium, separating the territories of Sybaris and Croton.

Aesar river

A river of Bruttii in Lower Italy, in the neighborhood of Crotona, now Esaro.

Traens, Trais

A river in Bruttium, now the Trionto, near which the Sybarites were defeated by the troops of Crotona in B.C. 510

Via Traiana


   Lacinium, (Lakinion akron). A promontory on the eastern coast of Bruttium, a few miles south of Croton, and forming the western boundary of the Tarentine Gulf. It possessed a celebrated temple of Iuno, who was worshipped here under the surname of Lacinia. The ruins of this temple have given the modern name to the promontory, Capo delle Colonne.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Lacinium : Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

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